"Unknown Destination"

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A Dream September 22, 2019)

She was succumbed to her own disappointments in life and tried to find a 2nd ride going supposedly somewhere, to chase her dream.

She just climbed up inside that vehicle, and she's not sure where it's leading to and she's hoping it will lead her to a place she wanted to go to find something.

However, that second ride didn't run at all, some trouble happened and she never knew what it was. As though time won't let her to ride that vehicle, the driver couldn't work its engine, so he opted to let go all the passengers inside.

Thus, all the passengers in it including her were forced to go down from there, to find another one.

She stood in a corner in a terminal area, searching for another ride. Few minutes passed by, another one came, it was loaded with passengers. However, she cannot read the written sign posted in front of the vehicle. The written words were foreign to her, and it was like an Arabic writings and she didn't know what it was.

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