The Healer

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May 11, 2020 (A dream)

She felt something strange, as if someone was calling her. And then a vision came to her, a melancholic young lady she barely knew. The young lady seemed depressed and she didn't know why.  

Then the next thing she knew was she went out and discovered where she was. 

She knocked to the door and the young lady's mother opened it. 

After some time, after a little chat,  at last she saw that young lady beside her mother. The melancholic lady she'd envisioned. The lady had a short hair cut, neck length. She saw that this lady was so sad and she'd just discovered the reason through her mother. 

She got an illness, and they're so sad about it. She has no idea how long did the lady suffered because of her illness; that made her a prisoner to their house.

Without any ado, she reached out that lady's arms and touched her without any hesitations or doubts. The mother tried to stop her afraid she might got infected by it, but to no avail.

Then, in an instant, the illness of the young lady was healed. However, it was like a poisonous venom absorbed by the healer (it was her first time doing it). She saw the black venom entered through her thumb. She hadn't prepared any counteracting measures for herself when doing that thing. 

To control the venom, she pressed harder her thumb downward to stop the spread in going upward through her body.  She did her best in hiding if from them, pressing it harder below until all of it did disappear miraculously. Her thumb's appearance was back to normal again, that black discoloration was gone already.

She, then, bade goodbye to them and went away to somewhere.

As she's walking down the road, near her workplace, she saw another stranger, a woman. She called her and there she remembered she was her schoolmate. Her schoolmate was a few distance away from her together with her  boyfriend maybe or her partner, she got no idea. They're waiting for a bus going home. Her schoolmate was attentively looking at her as if she's asking for help and she said this, "Please I needed help. Can you lend me some money? Can you lend me 500 pesos?"

But the bus suddenly came and the boyfriend of her schoolmate abruptly went up to the bus so that woman got no choice but to follow him also. She hadn't replied yet, she had 500 and hundreds on her pockets ready to give in case, however her schoolmate cannot wait anymore since the bus already came and both of them were in a hurry. The face of her schoolmate still looking at her as if pleading as the bus went away slowly from where she's standing. 

Finally, she arrived at her rented place, a rented house overlooking to her workplace. 

It's a tall building where she could see people walking down the road below and her workplace was only few meters away from there since she and her family could see everything from afar especially the lobby of that building, where random strangers were seen standing up in the entrance. 

She was talking to her parents that time and her mother told her that she needed to help one of her friends. And her mother mentioned the name of a girl, it's her long time friend in College.

Then, she woke up.

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