The Tree, The River & The Banana Trees

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July 19, 2020

She was riding in some kind of a public vehicle with her sister. They talked about their current expenses and she's going to pay the current due she had in one of her bills. She asked one of the passengers there about the right direction going to that payment center.  Then, as the jeepney stopped, she bid goodbye to her companion & went down to find another vehicle.

She found herself strayed at somewhere, a place she barely knew. She just went down the road, looking for some vehicles. Next, she found herself in some kind of village. She saw some people there, some children are playing in the park and there are people also  on stalls.

It looked like a peaceful, fun place, like the ordinary towns she went through. 

However, in flash of a second, she heard a sudden uproar. She felt the fear of the yelling people, and after few minutes, as she looked back she saw people are quarrelling, then everywhere it's a chaos unlike before.  She was stunned and confused, she had no idea what to do.  

She saw two men are quarreling in a few distance away from her, and there's a gun, they're  grabbing each others' arms to grab the gun. Then, accidentally that gun was fired towards her, with that fast bullets flying straight towards her.

But, in a blink of an eye, a stranger flashed towards her, grabbing her and those two bullets were fired straight at his forehead instead. She was saved by that unknown man. The man was hit by that 2 bullets, as if those bullets are standing straight, planted on his forehead.

She prompted by the man to escape, he had just sacrificed his life for her to live and to go on to her journey.

So she hurriedly went away, escaping from that chaotic place. Then she found her feet in an unknown road and luckily found another vehicle loaded with passengers. 

She went up to that vehicle, and sat on the very corner, on the very end of the jeepney, near its entrance and exit door. She saw a family there inside, the parents and their little children. 

The vehicle started its engine and went away from there. She could still see the surroundings though the vehicle has that great speed which no one could chase. She observed, that they looked like climbing upwards, it looked like a mountainous place already.  She could see the brown soil of the mountain, the dry brownish leaves of the weeds and it seemed that it's not a city anymore, it's some kind of remote rural area already. 

Finally, the vehicle came to a halt and all of them went down from it. 

She saw in a distance, two little children are strolling so carefree. 

The land where she's standing was a dry, sandy soil with no green grasses. However, below them was a tree standing in the middle and it looked like a wetland near that tree, since the color of the soil is different compared to the soil where they're all standing. 

Then, one of the passengers told her that it was a river. The tree was standing near a river, but it looked like the tree was the only source of the water. The water in the river was coming out from that tree in the center. And she perceived in her mind, that tree was the TREE of LIFE (she thought). The tree is the one watering the dry soil, making it wet and turning it into a river over time.  Beyond that, green banana trees are found growing abundantly, seemed they're growing as group, huddling together making that place so green, and so beautiful to look at. 

Her astonishment and mesmerizing thoughts had been intercepted suddenly by the teenage girl, one of the passengers, and she requested her to take a photo for her & her family, to capture the background as well of that tree, the river and the banana trees. 

Then, I woke up.

By Anne (July 19, 2020 6am)

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