My Life as a Working Student (College days)

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It was year 2000 when I graduated high school back from my hometown, and I got lucky to become a Valedictorian at that school. So when I entered college that School Year 2000-2001, I am 100% free in tuition fee provided I have to maintain a high grade. Though my family has no enough finances to support me, we're still so lucky that we have a relative to support our day-to-day allowances as well as the lodging near the University. And also, I got a monthly allowance from a scholarship sponsored by a Sugar Milling Company near us. The scholarship was granted through the help of my grandmother, since she returned back the large amount of money she found to the company, as a reward to her good deeds, she endorsed me to the scholarship program. So through that, I could still pay the other miscellaneous fees every  month and with the help of our relative, my transportation was sponsored also by him.

Life wasn't easy during my first college days, I enrolled to a difficult course (that was required by my scholarship in Sugar Milling Company) so I am unable to maintain such high grade.

So, after my first school year, I tried the Student Assistant program examination, applying as a working student of the campus. Luckily, I passed the test and selected among the hundreds who applied to that scholarship. All we need to do was to assist every faculty and staff of the University during our vacant time. And also to assist every student every enrollment time.

It was the start of my meaningful days. I have met different people with meaningful life. All of us were reporting as early as 7am in the school and I usually leave 9 o'clock in the evening after the laboratory class closing, since I was among the selected students assigned in Engineering laboratory of the school. I felt so lucky I was assigned there, it felt like a secluded area. 

We were reporting at work every Saturday, to do all around cleaning in every laboratory and shops of Engineering department, that was our cleaning day and our superior, the assigned Machine Shop supervisor of the department, would always treat us after that.

I have enjoyed my life as a working student. I have managed my schedule well and I have coped in everything, I haven't missed any subject at all, still I took all the subjects as if I am a regular student and at times, I would take one subject in advance especially those minor ones.

However, I hardly went back home, at times once a month, at times after three months. 

Everytime I went home, I saw that my father and mother cannot afford any longer to give financial assistance. Life was so poor that time, my parents could hardly found a money to give as my allowance. Though my family was struggling due to poverty, my father and mother would always save a money for me, so that they could give it to me when I'm home.  I saw their pitiful situation, so at times, I am hesitant to accept the money, I just turned my back from them so that I could hide my teary eyes. At times, I gave them a part of my allowance from Sugar Milling scholarship and  I am ensuring that I have still a remaining amount in my pocket. 

One time, I turned my back, teary eyed and refuse to accept the money offered by my father and mother. However, my mother chased me along the road and told me, " Your father worked hard  and saved that for you, so accept it."

So I just accept it unwillingly to avoid hurting their feelings.

Back in the university, I have met good people, my co-student assistants in the machine shop of engineering. We ate together every lunch time, and shared meals together. And ifever I have no pack lunch, they would share some meal to me. And the other one, brought sometimes a bag of rice for me so that I could have something to cook in the students boarding house. 

I didn't stay long in my relative's shadow in my third year in College out of my 5-year course. I decided to find a boarding house nearer the school.

Through the help of my co-working student, I have found a boarding house near the University, a walking distance only, so no need anymore to pay for a ride everyday.

It's s small wooden boarding house, seemingly like a nipa hut. The monthly payment was only 350 pesos. However, I could still not afford it. One day, one of my roommates saw my poor situation. She would cook every morning, then she would always invite me to eat with her for free. And she would also share everything to me and she had told the landlord about it.

Then the elder landlord, talked to me. He understood my situation and advised me not to pay anymore for the rent and just use electricity for free also provided I should act as the watch of the boarding house and would maintain its orderliness also. He kept it secret to the others and he would give me at times some allowance and food. The landlords act as my second parents there also, they were there to help me always and if I'm sick, they were attending some of my needs too.

There were many kind people during my College days that were always helping without expecting in return. The machine shop supervisor of the engineering department would at times provide some amount whenever I am lacking to do my projects in school. I am so straightforward whenever I am lacking, and honest about my situation every time, so they did understand me.

Sometimes, during exam days, I am so busy studying during my working hours in the laboratory. Our supervisor, instead of delegating a task to me, he just did it himself when he saw that I am studying so hard and as if no one could disturb my memorizing phase.

The engineering department is situated near the so wide baseball court and so wide agriculture department. I, sometimes, would like to sit there to inhale fresh air and to have some time alone by myself, especially when I am down. Those were the super quiet areas, no noise can be heard except the tweeting of the bird and rustling of leaves. I so like that place, I could have a quiet place to go when I need to and a nice solemn library (3-story and airconditioned) to read anything and read the verses found in a very big bible displayed there. It seemed that my whole life was only revolving there, from early the morning 'til  9 in the evening, from Monday to Saturday.

I felt so blessed that I graduated successfully with no failing grades after five years, the regular term of my course through the Student Assistant Program of the school.  I met good people who were there to help me always like my teammates in the Engineering Machine Shop and all the students there. I have the most meaningful stay, meaningful life  experiences through the kind people around me. I felt not alone through them. 

By Anne Journey (8.15.2019)

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