Chapter One :First Meet

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Second Person Point of View: 

5,000. Thats how much your father took and sent you to the castle. It almost seemed like a good thing to you though, you never wanted to see that bastards face again. 

Now, you work as a maid in the castle, with no pay. But they do feed you and give you a small room. Just a bed and a toilet, and a small moldy sink. And the maids share a shower room. 

"L/N!" The head of the maid calls through your door. "Get up and start doing work, you lazy--" 

"Im coming!" You called back to her rolling your eyes. When you entered the world you never thought life was going to be like this. 

After splashing some water on your face tying you hair in a tight bun, (if you have short hair just leave it down) and you began to dust the huge library the palace had. You could have sworn that you could fit 200 of your rooms just in the library alone. Why would they make you live in such uncomfort? 

Lots of the other maids had friends they talked to during their work hours. But you didn't. (Lets be honest who does if they read wattpad) None of them really mixed with you very well. So you dusted the shelves alone. But it was okay, life was heartless anyway. 

After hours of cleaning, you are feed dinner at your quarters, hardly quarter you'd say. More like a closet with a bed. You sat on your squeaky bed covered with old thin sheets. But it was better then home. Better than home. You needed to look on the brighter sides of things. 

You ate the oatmeal and drank the milk. It tasted disgusting, but you needed to remind yourself it was still preferable then seeing his face again. 

After eating you take your dishes to the sink. The rest of the maids do so as well. It was your day to wash them all. Sponge in hand and soap in the other, (sounds like your going to battle lol) you begin to wash some of the dishes. 

You secretly like dish day, because you got to wash the visible dirt of your hands and arms. Yes, there was a shower room for the maids to use but the water was cold. You only used it when you had to. 

The cups were washed and the bowls dried. You took the last cup from the sink and cleaned the rims and the inside of the glass. You moved over to the towels, but after taking some of the water out the sink a lot was left on the floor. And because your super clumsy, (haha) you slipped on the soapy water on smashed the glass and your head onto the floor. 

"God damn this stupid clumsiness," You cursed rubbing you head as you got up. Then you saw the broken glass on the floor. Your eyes widen in shock. "Oh crap." You slapped your forehead picking up the glass before Head maid could see. The glass was very sharp though, and your fingers begun to bleed. Nonetheless, you frantically cleaned up the glasses as fast as you could. Just in time, because Head maid walked in. 

"L/n, are you done now?" 

"Heh, yep all finished." You hid the glass being your back.

But head maid could see through your terrible lying skills with ease. "What is behind your back?" 

"The sponge!" You averted eye contact and smiled too much, but you were praying to God that she would walk away. 

"Then put it back next to the sink." 

"Oh. Riiiiight . . ." But you didn't move. You just awkwardly stood there. "I'll do that as soon as you leave . . ." You smiled, (very convincing if you ask me). 

"What are you hiding?" 

You sighed. There was no going back now. "I broke the glass . . ." You showed her your hands. You got ready for the slap. And there it came. But you couldn't really prepare yourself. 

"Ow!" Your instincts said aloud. 

"This will cost me to replace you damn lazy maid!" Head maid screamed at me. All I could really do for myself, was take it. 

"I know . . . I just slipped on the water and . . ."

"Slipped? Maids follow orders without hesitation. Maids don't slip. You don't slip. There are no accidents that will occur. Understood?"

You nodded meekly. You thought your scolding was over but it wasn't. 

"Second maids clean! Not make more of a mess. Look at the floor!" You were already looking down. 

"See all that water? You will be working extra hours tomorrow. You hear me?" 

You could speak, holding back tears. 

"Do you want me to slap you again you damn maid?!" 

"I understand." You chocked out the words, barely audible. 

"Speak louder." Head maid forced. 

"I understand. . ." It wasn't up to her standards though, and she slapped you again. 

"Oi, what the hell is going on here?" You heard a male voice say. This caused you too look up, and Head mad turned around. 

It was the prince. You've never actually seen him before. He was quite good looking, but your check hurt too much to think about it. 

Head maid curtsied, "Your highness." She said. You only held your check until Head maid stepped on your foot. You clenched my teeth and curtsied as well. "Y . . . your highness . . ." you could barely speak you were so angry at head maid. "Such a damn two face." You whispered. 

"Why the hell were you hitting her?" The prince asked. 

"Oh. . ." Head Maid stood from her bow and flushed. "She broke the glass." 

"On purpose?" he asked. His voice was oddly different, and masculine from all the female voices you've heard after working here for two years. 

"On accident." You finally spoke up. "I slipped on the water." 

His eyes met yours and for a Meer second you could sense  a spark. 

That was chapter one folks, hope you keep reading! If you did like the chapter make sure to leave  a vote! Thanks for reading again!


Only Eyes For You  KATSUKI BAKUGOU x READERWhere stories live. Discover now