Chapter Twenty Two :Katsuki --Finale

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Once he was completely out of sight you squealed. This was not happening! But it did! But it was so crazy! And amazing. You jumped up and down and your hand kept flying up to your mouth to try to feel Katsuki's lips. He's said you might get another if you're lucky, and boy how much you hoped you'd be lucky. 


The preparations to go to Ragiew were set in motion, but you could care less. All you cared about was seeing Katsuki's face, it honestly felt physically draining without him. But you didn't want to seem overly clingy, so you tried to keep your overwhelming disappointment to yourself. 

But yet still, there was a smile practically glued to your face from that kiss. 

You felt a tap on your shoulder interrupt your thoughts. None other than Katsuki himself, smirked as you turned around. 

"Ka - Katsuki . . ." You smiled. You weren't sure how the second interaction went after a kiss. So, you just awkwardly stood there. 

Katsuki laughed. "I don't think I've ever seen you nervous or embarrassed. It's cute." 

You hit his shoulder. "I'm . . . I'm not embarrassed!" 

He laughed again. "Okay . . . whatever you say."

"What did you come here for?" You asked. "Aren't you busy with the set up for Ragiew?" 

"Want me gone already? Fuck I didn't know you didn't care." 

"I'm just wondering." You crossed your arms and smiled. "Made time for me?" You felt like your old self again. "Aw, your so sweet." You smiled. 

"There she is. The one and only y/n I know." He grinned. "And so what if I made time for you? Your not okay with that?" 

"I'm joking, calm down." 

"I'm joking too, jeez." Suddenly he put an arms around your shoulder. "Lets get away from all these people huh?"

"What are you talking about? I have preparations to do!" You protested. 

"The royal guard doing preparations. First time I've heard." He said, and he kept you walking forward. 

You sighed but smiled. "Hm, I guess I'm okay with walking with you . . ." 

"Good. Because I have something to tell you." After a minute or so of walking, the two of you were far away from everyone else, just you, Katsuki, and the wind. 

Katsuki took a breath and smirked. "Jesus every time I look at you, it seems like you get fucking prettier and prettier."

You blushed and tried not to let it show. "What did you want to tell me?" 

"Aash, you really can't take a fucking compliment can you?" He pushed your shoulder slightly. 


"I only do it because of your reactions," He laughed. 

"What did you want to tell me dummy? I do actually have things to do you know!" You said and walked back to where you were originally standing before Katsuki pushed you. 

He leaned closer to you. "No. You don't have plans when your with me." 

What a control freak. You thought to yourself, but it didn't change the fact that you were falling in love. You didn't say anything and let him continue. 

"Aren't you scared being out here all alone with a prince who could do anything?" He asked slowly. 

Don't make me scared. You thought silently. "I know you won't do anything." You pushed yourself away. "If that's all I'll be getting back to my preparations now--" 

He cut you off by pulling you back, closer to him. "Who said you could go?'' 


"I still haven't said what I've wanted to." He whispered. 

You finally managed to fully push yourself away. "What are you doing?" You asked. "Your acting so strange!" 

"I have to remind you that your mine. And I want you to be with me for the rest of your life. That's what I fucking wanted to say." He was expressionless for a moment  before he smirked. "Agreed?" 

"Do you actually . . .  like me?" You asked. 

Katsuki's eyes widened. "The doubt! I would say I'm in love with you." 

Your mouth hung open. "Your what?" 

"See? This is why you need to be close to me, you can't seem to hear a damn thing." With that he pulled you closer. "I'm. In. Love. With. You." He paused. "Dumbass." He added.

"I . . . like you too." 

"Like?" He asked bitterly. "I'm not taking that as an answer." 

"I . . . love . . . you . . . too . . ." You managed to say, and you smiled. Is this what every romance drama really felt like? "Does that mean we spend the rest of our lives together?" You asked innocently. 

"I guess we'll figure it out as we go huh?" He asked. 

You smiled. "I . . . guess so." 

Katsuki smirked. "Who knew it would be this dumbass I'd fall for." 

You ignored his insult and threw your arms up to feel the wind. "Here we come everyone! It's Katsuki and I against the world!" 

That's the end. It was a little fast maybe? But I did plan it this way, I wanted a ending that was full of possibilities. And wow this is the last time I'm saying it . . . don't forget to leave a comment and vote if you enjoyed!

Only Eyes For You  KATSUKI BAKUGOU x READERWhere stories live. Discover now