Chapter Two :Standing Up For You

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But then he just looked away. 

"You have no right to hit your maids." The prince said. You looked up shocked, why was he defending you? 

"Your right Prince Bakugou, I am sorry." 

Bakugou, huh? You wondered. 

"Why are apologizing to me? You hit her." He pointed to you. 

Head Maid turned around, and now that the prince couldn't see her face, she was furious. "I am truly sorry for my actions L/n." She barely coughed up the words. You shook your head, she thinks too highly of herself. 

"If I see this kind of behavior again, I will kick you out you damn maid." He was talking to head maid right?  Wait .  . . not he must be talking to me. You needed to speak up. 

"I will be kicked out?" You asked nervously. 

"Not you! That other maid." He looked over to head maid and you were relieved. 

Head maid stood up straight and sucked in a breath. "I will be on my way then." She quickly curtsied and walked fast through the door. 

That left you and the prince alone. Awkwardly you tucked a peace of you hair that fell from you bun behind your ear. You forgot that you fingers were bloody though, and you left a red streaks across your face. 

"Bleeding?" He asked me. 

"I can clean it when I get to my room . . . I'll be on my way now." You curtsied and exhaled the breath you didn't know you were holding. 

Until, "Wait." The prince called to you. "I know that the maids don't have proper medical care."

You turned, why was he being so nice? 

"Do you want god damn bandaids or not?" 

You were shocked at his sudden change in emotion but you nodded nonetheless. The prince made you feel so small. He was so high up there and you were easily at the bottom of the pier. 

"How much do they pay you?" He asked. Out of the blue. "If they hit you it must be decent for you to stay." 

You were walking behind him, so the prince didn't see your face as you lied. "Yeah, its pretty good pay I guess." You had a hard time lying, but you didn't want things to get over complicated. "And I don't get hit all the time, it was only the second time." You said sheepishly. 

"Why don't you stand up for yourself?" He stopped and turned to look at you. "Are you a damn coward?" 

Flashback . . .

"L/N! You call this dusting? What is wrong with you? Should I let you go live on the streets or stop  serving you food? How am I going to teach you?" Head Maid yelled. "Your cleaning isn't good enough. The king won't be happy. The queen won't be happy. The prince won't be happy." 

"I haven't even ever seen them?! How am I supposed to clean for them, if I don't know they exist?" You stood proud. "Im not doing a thing until I see them!" 

Head maid became furious. "The prince is only a year younger then you, shouldn't you know what clean would look like to him?" 

"I don't care how old he is!!" You shouted back. 

"You and the prince are more alike than you know L/n. Both with horrible tempers!" Head maid's hand rose up and slapped you across your cheek. 

"How dare you?!" You screamed at her. 

"Say another word and your gone from the castle for good." Head maid turned around. You knew she had power over who were maids with her. She was just in charge of all you. All she needed was the little power gap, and she acted all high and mighty. 

You didn't say another word. You didn't want to be on the streets. 

"Coward?" You asked him. 

"Yeah, you heard me. Or are you deaf?" Bakugou threatened. 

"Oh you don't know the half of it!" You yelled. "I clean, and clean and clean, I prepare foods for you. Do you realize how hard it is for our tier? The lowlives? The bottom? You couldn't. Your a damn prince who only lives around heaps of gold and silver." You crossed your arms. 

"Tch." The prince looked away shaking his head. But before he could tell you off, you said: "Thank you for your kindness." You say sarcastically. "Im going back to my room and going to wrap these cuts with cloth, because you rich people don't give a freaking penny for medical care." You turned  and walked away. 

Rich Bitches. You thought as you walked away. He had no idea what you'd gone through. And he has the nerve to call you a coward? You shook your head. He may be good looking but on the inside he's rotten and terrible. 

~Time Skip~

It was too dark to read your clock, but you knew you ought to be going to sleep because Head Maid was giving you extra hours tomorrow. 

But your mind kept following the prince. Were you too harsh on him? Was he going to go tattle tale to his parents and have them kick me out because I have no respect? He didn't seem like the one to do that. You wondered if you were ever going to see him again. You didn't want to. He was a rich boy that didn't know how the real world worked. 

But part of you . . . a small part of you wanted to tell him off again. But you shut that part up. There was no room for you up there. There was no way you should come close to him again. You were lucky to have a home. And there would be no way you could handle the pressure of being anything more than a maid. 

So maybe the prince actually had to do work. You might have been a tiny . . . just a little bit harsh. Still though, he started the argument. Why would he even care who stands up for them selves? 

You sighed. This was too much to think about. 

You stared at you finger tips. You had to rip off pieces of your sheets to cover them, and it wasn't really helping. But what else could you do? 

Finally after the thoughts in your head began to simmer down, you drifted to sleep. 

~Time Skip to morning~

"L/N! Get the hell up!" 

You opened your eyes and read your clock. The hands pointed at 5. You started at 8. 

"Its 3 hours early Miss!" You shouted through the door. 

"And your working an extra three hours and you have dishes for the month. Get up before I put more on you!" 

"Gah." You Smushed the pillow in your face. 

After fixing you dead badger hair, and brushed your teeth, you opened the door only to trip over a box. 

"The hell?" You looked down and saw a box of bandaids and other first aid materials. "Who put this here?" You wondered. 

Only Eyes For You  KATSUKI BAKUGOU x READERWhere stories live. Discover now