Chapter Seven :A Secret Visit From The Prince

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After Dr. Sanchaz finished healing your wounds, you walked back to your room. 

Head Maid didn't ask a question, and you were glad. After everything that happened, you wanted to hit the bed and pass out. 

You splashed water on your face, brushed your teeth, and . . . then you just looked at yourself in the mirror for a while. 

You never quite saw yourself as pretty. The h/c h/l hair you had was oily and in need of showering. You decided to take a quick trip to the shower to wash up. 

And to your surprise, at this hour, another maid was there. 

"Y/n?" She asked. You cursed yourself for not knowing her name. 

"Hi." You replied awkwardly. 

"Hi." She paused. "So what did you do with the Prince?" She asked. 

"Uhm . . . we . . . he brought me to the king, and . . . well the king punished me." 

"For what?" She asked curiously. 

You knew you spilled too much. "Its a lot to explain." You decided to say. 

She nodded understandingly. "I get that. We barely know each other. I haven't quite earned your trust." 

"Wow." You were shocked, she seemed so mature. "Thanks." 

"My name is Marly by the way." She held out her hand. 

"Nice to meet you," You thanked God she told you her name. "Im Y/n but you know." 

She smiled. Well . . . I better go change and get ready to shower, its getting late." 


You walked into one of the stalls, and undressed yourself. Unclipping your bra, you realized you had completely, completely forgotten about your scars. Not forgotten, but . . . didn't really think about the fact that other maids would be seeing them in the group shower. 

You face palmed your self, and thankfully got out of the stall before Marly. You would just shower facing directions Marly wouldn't notice. 

Still though, you tried to go as fast as possible. 

Midway through shampooing your hair, Marly enters through the glass door, the opposite side of  room. She pushes the botton to turn on the water, and seemingly doesn't even look your way. 

You were actually really grateful for that, and it made you like her even more. 

You wrap a towel around yourself, and decide not to blow dry your hair. It took way too much effort. It would dry over night anyway. 

You change into your nightgown, which to put it lightly, you weren't quite sure why it was called a night gown because it was rather ugly. But it was something at least. 

You turn off your lamp, and snuggle into the baggy, rugid sheets of your bed. Your back was feeling so much better, and you were so thankful you didn't have to fight the battle alone. Dr. Sanchaz was with you, and everyone else in the group. And of course, the prince. 

Speaking of the prince . . . 

Your door clicked open, and you imminently sat up. "Who's there?" You asked. 

That someone didn't reply and instead grabbed your hand and led you out of the room, and once out of the darkness, you saw it was Katsuki. 

"Wait what? Where are we going?" You felt the urge to whisper since It was late at night. 

"I have to give you something," His voice was ruff, and for an odd reason it appealed to you. But you shook the thought. "Now hurry the fuck up." 

He held your hand the entire way, and you smiled at the gesture. 

The two of you arrived at what you guessed was  Katsuki's room. 

He opened the doors quietly in order not to wake others up. His room was quite large, compared to yours. 

He walked near his bed, and you simply stood by the door. Not sure what to do in this situation. 

Katsuki walked back towards you, and handed you a small metal container. 

"whats this for?" You asked quietly. 

He seemed to be lost in thought for a moment, and without the talking, you could just are into his eyes. It wasn't until now that you realized how handsome he really was. 

Your wet hair was still dripping on the ground and it in the water it was a couple inches longer, falling to your h/l.

"For your back." He said finally. "It should help minimize the pain more." 

"And you just happen to have that handy?" You questioned. 

He turned around, and lifted his shirt slightly. At first, you were scared you were going to be doing something not so innocent . . . but then you saw the scars on his back. 

"When . . . I don't behave. That fucking bastard whips me. Im forced to be quiet. I can't do a fucking thing." 

You almost wanted to touch his lower back, but before you could he pulled his shirt back down and turned to you again. 

"Now other people are paying for my god damn mistakes." You knew he was talking about you.

You clutched the container as you spoke, "It was my mistake. You didn't do a thing, not a single thing wrong . . . Katsuki." You decided to add his name to the end. The sentence held more meaning. 

He shook his head. "I wish I never met you." 

Your face pressed backwards in confusion and you were quite offended. "Really?" You asked. 

He smirked, "You look so sad, need me that much huh?" 

You shook your head, "Yeah right." 

A brief silence passed before Katsuki said, "You should leave now . . . before someone catches us." 

"Why? Would it be bad if someone saw us?" You asked. 

"Maids aren't supposed to do this sort of thing with princes." 

You paused. "... what sort of things?" 

He practically pushed you out the door. "Leave y/n." He meant it playfully you could see it on his smile, but when he closed the door, it left you cold. For a weird reason, you didn't want to leave yet. 

But you did. 

Climbing back into your bed, you placed the metal container on the small nightstand next to your bed. 

The king really was terrible. Despicable. 

But the Prince . . . he wasn't so bad. 

Only Eyes For You  KATSUKI BAKUGOU x READERWhere stories live. Discover now