I rose from the dead (Chapter 16)

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You decided to run after him. What was the reason for him to be running from you anyway?

"Katsuki!" You called. "Wait up!" 

He was just about to enter the bathroom when you finally caught up to him and pulled his arm to get him to turn around. "Why are you running?" You asked. 

And when you turned around, you were shocked to see a big patch of dirt on his cheek. It dripped down to his blazer and through the dirt, you could see the red blush creep on his cheeks. 

"What's your problem?!" Katsuki screamed to you and turned around so quickly, so harshly it almost left a wind. 

"My problem? What the hell? I'm just trying to talk to!" You shouted to him. "I thought we were on good terms . . . did something happen?" You asked. It was hard for you to get a question out, because you were sick and tired of dealing with Katsuki's explosive temper. 

"Alright y/n. You wanna fucking know something?" Katsuki asked. You nodded and walked to him. 

"What?" You asked, and you tried to be intimidating as he was. It looked like Katsuki was getting ready to spill everything, but when he saw you trying to puff your chest, he simply burst out laughing. 

"What the fuck are you doing? Your fucking tiny. You can't be intimidating." Katsuki laughed. 

And you shriveled in embarrassment. "Sheesh. Calm down okay. You were the on running away from me, with dirt on your face." You spat back defensively. 

Katsuki just rolled his eyes. "I've got a very angry woman who is waiting not so patiently for me, so I have to get cleaned up." He excused his self and left you standing, smiling and laughing. Katsuki could funny if he tried. 

You stood there for as long as you could see him walk away and then you sighed. That little timeless moment was over. Now you had to go back to training, and back to the real world. Maybe that was it, Katsuki made you feel like it could be a fantasy. But maybe that was just because you were looking for a way out of work. Did you really enjoy spending time with him? Or do you like escaping work? Hard question to answer. Maybe both. 

You wandered through the palace walls until you reached Merkay's training grounds. Here you go, diving back into what was supposedly woven into your blood, your destiny. As almost everyone would call it. If destiny was a calling why didn't you hear it? 

"Ah, y/n. There you are. Were doing a group training running over positions, please join us." Merkay told you, and you obeyed. Filling the empty spot of the perfect square left for you. How perfectly you fit in right? 

"Ready?" Merkay called loudly to the group, and once your helmet was on, sword and shield in hand, part of you felt like maybe you did belong. Surrounding you was every hardworking soul in the palace, the brave ones, and a part of you just wanted to be in that group. Fearless and strong. 

"ONE!" He yelled. Instantly everyone's sword rose to protect the top of there heads. "Faster that that! Come on solders!" Merkay demanded. 

"TWO!" He screamed to the hundreds of warriors perfectly placed in this box, all fighting through the heat of the sun to meet Merkay's standards. 

"THREE!" He shouted the next number, and the swords glided through the air in such a fluid sync motion, it made you smile. Being part of a group. And though it was heavy wielding both sword and shield, you made a promise to yourself that you would fight through it. 


Bakugou POV 

"So you want to sit down and have a fucking cup of tea while the family I have, friends I have, and people I know starve?" The woman shouted. 

No. Of course I don't want to have fucking tea with you. What I want to do is give you your fucking food that you desperately want and call it a day. Yet here we are. 

"How much food do you think you'll need and how often would you like more sent?" I asked, completely ignoring her aggression. Well no, I didn't ignore it. I just didn't acknowledge it in my words. 

She looked shocked. "So your ignoring me now?!" 

I tried. I tried not to let my anger show but I pursed my lips and rubbed my temples. I really feel like explosions could erupt from my hands. "I'm asking you a question to help you and your people not to starve." I said blankly. "Answer the damn question." I started to think she was here just to mess with me, a dare from her friends trying to be cool, young and hip again. Goddamn this is what my life is huh? 

"Are you swearing at me?" She looked so deeply offended. 

Not like you didn't do it yourself. I rolled my eyes, and I did not try and hide it from her. I don't give a fuck anymore. If she wants food we would have already been done with this. "What do you really want?" I asked. 

She spit in the tea cup in front of her, and sat up so quickly the chair reeched across the floor. "You need to wake up. Until you do I will make sure everyone you love is dead." 

What. A fucking. Lunatic. "Good thing I don't love anyone. Brandy, I think were done here." And with that, the screaming and psychotic woman was removed from my presence, and what brought me back to peace, at ease, was watching y/n through the window pretending like she could hold a sword. What an adorable idiot. 

Only Eyes For You  KATSUKI BAKUGOU x READERWhere stories live. Discover now