Chapter Fifteen :Struggles

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~Two months later~ 

"Come on y/n, is that all you can do? You have the blood of the best warriors and I can block your attack with little effort?" Merkay asked you, disappointed obviously. 

You dropped your sword. It made a clink as it hit the ground. "I'm sorry Merkay. But you have to understand, that talent isn't passed through blood. I'm starting to think maybe being a maid was all I was ever meant to be. Theres no way I'll ever live up to be as good as my parents." You said sadly. 

"Well get up, your destiny is woven into your blood. So you have no choice." Merkay demanded of you. "All I'm asking you is to block my attacks with simple dodging techniques I have provided. One! Above the head!" He commanded as his sword was close to cutting your helmet, but you reacted quickly enough that time. "Two!" He screamed. 

You protected the top left your body. The sword was heavy, the sun was hot. The strands that fell from your bun stuck to your face. "THREE!" He shouted. But at this point, you couldn't bring your arm to follow through all the way to protect your right side. So you let the sword drop. Again. Merkay stopped his sword inches from hitting your arm. "Get it together y/n." And then he just walked away. After you found out about your parents, sometimes you'd wish that it wasn't you. 


You turned around. "Katsuki?! What are you doing here?" You took off your helmet. You cursed yourself for looking like a sweaty potato, but as much as you tried to wipe away sweat from your face, it still stuck. Like a piece of gum under a school desk. 

"I'm here to check on you, duh. Are you dumb?" He asked you. 

You sighed. "Well, if your just here to make fun of me, than get out!" You screamed to him. 

"Your cute when you get angry you know that?" He said walking over to you. 

Blushing, you shooed him off, "Just let me practice. I gotta get better, Merkay isn't impressed." You sighed. "I really don't know, I'm trying my best . . . but it doesn't seem like it's enough." 

He patted your head. And before he could say anything, you peeled his hand off your head. "Stop doing that! I'm all sweaty anyway." You grabbed your helmet and put it back on. "I really got to go train some more, I'll see you later Katsuki!" You waved him off. 

Although you couldn't hear, Katsuki would mumble under his breath. "Even after two months she won't even let me touch her." And then he turned on his heel to walk away, "Typical." Letting you train alone. 

Bakugou POV 

Y/n could be such a handful sometimes . . . I looked back at her on more time before I entered the castle again. But I just shook my head, fine y/n, I'll let you do your fucking work if thats so important. I have much more important things to do anyway. 

"Prince Bakugou!" Brandy called to me. "There has been a women knocking on the door for the past hour waiting to get a hold of you . . ." 

"What does the damn women want?" I asked annoyed. Like I said I had important things to do. 

"She's been going on and off again about the lack of food in her area . . . this is the 12th person we've had come over the past month, however we can't seem to get rid of her . . ." Brandy mumbled. 

"Don't effing get rid of her if she's complaining! Is it not our job, --or I guess since you are an unimportant pheasant, -- its my job to insure that the people living by our palace have the most comfort?! What damn idoits you are shooing them away like that!" I hit my fist on the table so hard Brandy flinched. "Now go open the damn door!" I screamed at him. 

He walked over to the far door and I followed. And as he turned the knob, I saw a woman laying on the ground, dressed in rags, mud covered her hair and face. You could see the trail of mud she left just walking here. "To what do I owe this visit to?" I asked politely. 

She lifted her head, and I saw an emotion of pure hatred, and rage and over all madness. It reminded me of the king in many way. "You leave all this . . . all this rich expensive food and gold to yourself? While the people in houses next to mine starve?! How could you be anymore selfish!" She stood and slapped me across the face. 

Not only did it leave a red mark, but I could feel the mud drip down onto my suit coat. 

Brandy then rushed next to me. "I'm sorry young lady, but that is not allow--" 

I cut him off. "My apologies miss." I bowed to her. It was quite hard to control my anger, but I was trained to keep it inside my whole life. Why would I blow now? I am better than that."I will supply you with food and water for your district." I stood back up. "I simply did not know of the shortage in foo--" 

She clenched her teeth, "You didn't know? Do you read the town papers at all?!" She screamed. 

Hell no,  I thought to myself. Maybe if I had all the time in the goddamn world I would woman. 

"It took 12 people to come here, for you to wake up?!" At that I looked over to Brandy, he could tell my anger was boiling, but it was hidden behind a well sculpted mask. 

"Should we have some tea, and talk this over?" I asked the lady. Fucking terrible. All Brandy's fault and now I have to deal with his useless problems. "Just allow me to clean myself up, Brandy will show you to a seat." 

She seemed taken back by my emotionless persona, but that was the way it needed to be so she could develop as little as a stereotype in her head as possible. 

As I walked to the sinks, I clenched my fists. "Good for nothing Brandy," I mumbled under my breath. 

"Whats that?" A voice behind me spoke. None other than y/n. Just seeing her made me feel better, and I smiled at that. Stupid y/n and my dumb feelings . . . but I did want her . . . next to me. But before she could catch up to me, I remembered the mud on my face. I touched my cheek and sure enough I wiped up the dirt. 

I just turned the corner as fast as I could. "Wait up!" Y/n called after me. "You dont wanna walk with me?" She called. 

not it, I just don't want you to see me like this . . . weak and . . . I wasn't able to finish my thought, before y/n grabbed my arm. "What you running for, huh?" She turned me around. But before she could see anything . . . 

"Get the hell off me l/n!" And I ran. 

Your POV 

"Did he just call me by my last name . .?" You wondered. 

Aight, I guess thats the end of this chapter, thanks for reading!

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