Chapter Eight ReWrite :Bakugou POV :Who Is That Green Haired Boy?

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Heres the Bakugou POV I promised :)

I walked into the office room, and Brandy handed me a stack of papers. 

"People are protesting against the monarchy. They want a democratic vote your Majesty, and we need to calm down the people before things get to out of hand." Brandy said, with a tone of pity in his voice. Was that for me? No one could pity me. I was Prince Katsuki Bakugou, no one would ever be close to as powerful as me. 

"Give me the god damn paper." 

Brandy handed me the paper. I scanned it over, rebels and protests. No one quite knew how much I work I had to do everyday to keep this crap country together. 

The only reason the whole country hasn't fell apart is because people still drool over my face. That handsome prince!

Which was true, I was quite good looking if I do say so myself. But I was also the smartest alive. I could get these people straight. 

"Brandy set up an interview with some damn interviewer. Tell them I'm only talking right now. Got it?" 

"Yes your Majesty." 

He scurried out of the room, and left me sorting through people's complaints and irritations. It was so much stress. But you can handle it. You are the best looking, smartest man alive. Your the god damn prince. Who was better than you?  Besides, I knew that father would not be happy with the news. I didn't want to pay for his anger again. 

Brandy came back into the office room on this floor, trying to keep camera men out. 

"They can see you now. They are in the hallway you Majesty." 

"Im fucking coming." I retorted, opening the door. Now it was time to smile. Smile. Happy. ...fake. I reminded myself. 

"Good morning my people, I am going to be addressing a current issue within the monarchy, and the attacks and protests." I said into the cameras. "Interviewers, please feel free to ask anything you'd like." So far so good. Keep the smile. You were trained to not let it drop Katsuki. 

I sat on a bench in the hallway, as one girl pushed through the rest ready with a question. 

"How are you going to fix the peoples unhappiness with the monarchy?" 

I saw the question coming, but I sighed, letting something real come out. But then I pulled back into a smile. "The king and I are currently on that topic now. We are trying to find the best solution to please people, but not completely destroy the government." It was a lie. All the king ever did to me was yell and sometimes, hit. 

"Are you saying you would like to remain in power?" She asked. 

This wasn't going well Goddamn it. 

But thankfully, before I could answer, another man pushed her away, ready with his own question. "Do you have any close relations with the lower class your Majesty?" 

Y/n flickered into my brain at that. I could see her childish smile, dripping hair when we'd talked last night. This time a genuine smile lit my face. I never thought that would happen. Me? Smiling for a weak maid girl? Was I meak? No I fucking wasn't. I was powerful. 

But by the time the interviews were over, I needed to see her face . . . one last time.

 I knew the maids would be having lunch right about now. I stomped down the stairs to the maid's rooms and small dining areas. It must be pretty crappy to live in places like these. It was disgusting actually. 

I finally came to the dining room. I knocked quite forcefully. Who did I owe a nice polite knock to? I was the damn prince. The greatest. 

I opened the door then my eyes immeidently found y/n. Her legs didn't quite reach the floor, and I almost found myself laughing. 

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