Chapter Thirteen :Head Maid's Secret

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Were back baby! This chapter was super fun to write, and to all of you writing the supportive comments on my last A/n, thank you so much. You guys were the one that made this chapter come to the publish button.

You watched as Marly ran off to Head Maid. Why was it that she always had something over your head? 

And now instead of standing, you ran. As fast as your legs could push you. And you grabbed her wrist. "Marly," You fell onto the floor. "I beg you with everything I have . . . please, please don't show head maid. Marly . . ." Tears fell, you shook them off though. But sometimes they just kept falling. "I'm just trying to be a good maid okay? Katsuki . . . he's ruining it. I dunno why he liked me okay? Please don't show head maid . . . please!" You shouted at her. You lifted your head to see her reaction. 

She stood there shocked. Like she had no idea how you really felt. Almost in her eyes you could see empathy, that small sparkle . . . " . . ." She opened her mouth but no sound came out. 

Another maid walked over to you guys and asked, "What's going on here?" You didn't even move your head to see who she was. 

"Nothing," Marly muttered. She crumbled the note in her hand, and threw it onto the floor next to me. Then she flicked her hand to make me let go of her wrist. After all that, she just walked away. Back to cleaning. 

Your head hit the carpet on the floor, and just for a small moment, you took this time for yourself. You were okay. Marly never told head maid. And one thing was for sure. You couldn't go meet Katsuki . . . not if your heart begged you on it. There was just too much risk. 

You got yourself back together and stumbled as you stood, walking back over to grab your broom. And you swept, you dusted, and you wiped contours clean. This is what you were meant to do . . . not hand out and fall in love with the Prince. Where would that lead anyway? 

That's what you repeatedly told yourself, hoping it would come true in your mind. Maybe it would in your head, but it would forever leave a gap in your heart. 

Before you knew it, Head maid called you. "Someone is here to talk to you, make it quick." She patted you the back rather hard, leading you to the library door. 

"Hi y/n." You turned sideways to the sound of the voice. 

You could recognize that green hair anywhere. "Is that you . . ." You searched your mind for his name. "Deku?" 

"Yes it is me . . ." He said smiling brightly. A long pause passed before he added, "Oh yes, and I came to deliver this . . ." He handed you an envelope with a stamp you've never seen before. 

"What is it for?" You asked curiously. 

"I guess you will find out when you open it right?" Deku said. "And um, that's all . . . so maybe I'll see you around the castle sometime?" 

"Wait are you a boy maid?" You asked. "I'm sorry I don't know the term." You said scratching the back of your neck slightly. 

"No it's totally fine, and actually I just got upgraded --or I guess promoted-- to castle guard!" He said excitedly. 

"Woah! Really! No way!" I said. "That's pretty high in the rankings." You smiled and patted his shoulder. "Good luck." 

"Thank you," he said smiling. 

"Wait," You interrupted. "Shouldn't you be doing that now then?" 

"Yeah, I guess. . . okay I'll be on my way then?" He said unsurely. You could have swore you the creeping of blush on his ears, but you just smiled and shook it off, going back to work. 

And you grabbed your broom, Head Maid came behind you. "What was that all about?" She asked suspiciously. "And don't try and hide anything from me y/n." 

I guess there couldn't be any use in lying. "It was Deku." You said. And it was true. 

"What did he want?" Head maid pushed. 

" . . .He, gave me a letter." You said slowly. 

"Well, hand it over." Head maid held out her hand, waiting for you to place the letter inside. As you did, she flipped it over to look at the seal. She gasped. "Well I'll be darned, I could know this seal anywhere." 

You walked closer to her in anticipation. "Well, Head Maid, what is it?" You asked excitedly. 

"That's . . ." She cut herself off. But it cant be . . . "Y/n, please don't tell me you got yourself into more trouble?" 

"No, of course not. I promise." You swore to her. 

"Well, it's the Royal Guard's stamp." Head Maid said.

"And what does that mean?" You asked. "What does the Royal Guard have to do with me?" 

Head Maid swallowed. "Everything unfortunately." She sighed and looked down as if she was hiding something. "I knew this day would come eventually."

"Head Maid what is it?" You asked cautiously. 

"Y/n. There are somethings that I never told you. . ." 

Somewhat short, I'm sorry for that! 

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