Chapter Nineteen: But It Can't be the End

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The princess shook her head. "This isn't the last you've seen of me," And she stormed off.

"Fiesty one ani't she?" You said and smiled. You wanted to put your hand back on his shoulder, but you'd know he'd hate it. So you stood a decent distance away from him, like a friend would.

"Just glad she's gone." Katsuki said, and he turned away from you, ignoring your joke and laughter. And you frowned.

"Hey, what's wrong?" You asked, and then after a small pause you added: "Is it because you are afraid of her threat?" You thought that you were reading his mind, it really was why you thought he was upset because of the princess.

"No. It's not that. I'm not fucking afraid, Jesus Christ." He said and he was still turned away from you. Even though he said that, you didn't believe it. You knew how hard it was for him to open himself up. So why bother trying? It would happen eventually.

"Okay, sure." You shrugged, wanting the conversation to just end there, but then you heard Katsuki say something.

"Wait, will you?" He asked before you had the chance to walk away, back to training. You turned back around to face him, and he turned back around again. "I've got a question for you." He said. And you were shocked at the clam tone he was speaking in, usually it was always explosive temper, but it was one of those times were it was different.

"What?" You asked, maybe because of the casual tone you replied in, or maybe because Katsuki simply thought better of it, but he shook his head.

"Nevermind, fuck it." He threw his hands up lightly and walked away.

He left you confused. But you knew one thing for sure, if you stormed after him, begging him to tell you what it was, it would cause an argument you didn't want to have, and he wouldn't admit it anyway. But why was it then that you still wanted to run after him? And why was it this was how almost all of your conversations ended with him? One of you was almost always just storming off. You hoped maybe one day that would change. Was it just because you two could simple never speak your mind? Maybe from this point on you'd try harder to more honest, and open. But that could only work if it was both ways. So you decided to say something.

"Katsuki, come on you can't just walk away. We have too many conversations that end just like that." You said, and that made him stop walking. You took a few steps towards him. "You gotta tell me what's going, that's . . ." You trailed off. That's what friends are for. You didn't feel like friends. You felt like . . . flirty friends. If that was a term.

"You wanna fucking know what I wanted to say?" He turned around and walked towards you, at a fast and almost threatening pace, and it caused you to keep taking steps backwards until you finally hit the wall. "Do you?" He asked again, and using his height to his advantage, he wanted you to feel inferior.

You weren't able to reply, and all that was running through your mind was: What on Earth is he doing? You turned your face sideways, and put your hands up in protection. It must have been the shock. You weren't expecting him to act out like this. That's why you were so scared. Usually Katsuki could never scare you.

"Tch," He said angrily. "You are just a scared little girl, what would you know?" He spat at you and stormed off.

You nodded angrily. This. This is why you got in arguments. Because Katsuki was just so irritating. Even if you tried to fix something, he had to go ruin it. Classic Katsuki. "What the hell was that? I didn't do anything! Jesus I'm trying to help you!"

Only Eyes For You  KATSUKI BAKUGOU x READERWhere stories live. Discover now