Chapter Eight :Who Is That Green Haired Boy?

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The next morning, you couldn't quite wipe the smile off your face. Though you were dusting and all, life seemed pretty good. 

Apparently, Marly noticed and came up to you. 

"You seem happy," She commented. 

"Yeah, I guess so." You attempted to press the smile off, but it stuck. You weren't quite sure why. You were freaking whipped. Why were you smiling? It didn't hurt too much anymore though, the scar healed faster thanks to the salve the prince gave you. 

"Hm. What could it be . . .?" Marly asked. 

"Oh, nothing." Seriously. What was with the jolly mood? 

"You get some hours off work?" Marly asked, and she started smiling as well. Probably because of your bubbly mood. 

"No, but something bigger . . . it was fun. I cant share." You said playfully. Normally, you were more reserved, but. . . 

"Fine. I can work to earn your secrets." Marly smiled. 

But that statement wiped the smile off your face. Was she just friends with you because you never quite fit in with the maids? And because she wanted to know your secrets? Secrets . . . as in the king? Your parents? 

"Yeah." You managed to say. 

"Hey." Marly turned in front of you. "Did I upset you?" 

Yes, yes you did. You only thought that though, instead, you said: "No, its alright. Nothing personal." 

"If you say so," Marly nodded and continued dusting in silence. 

"Lunch time girls! Quickly you only have an hour you know." Head maid yelled to us. 

You picked your dusting tools, and sweeping brooms and headed to the small dining area where one of you prepared out food. Today it was not your day. Chanelle's maybe? Was that her name? 

After some waiting, Chanelle served the noddles, you ate up. Her cooking was okay, really all of you marked our calendars for when Mary cooked, she had such a taste for it. It was always the best lunches and dinners. 

Eating peacefully, a knock is heard on the door. You all turn towards the sound and when the door opened, you weren't too surprised. 

The prince. 

A part of your heart wanted to jump put of your seat right there and talk to him some place else, but your feet remained reaching for the floor, and your butt stayed on the chair. You weren't sure why a even fraction of your heart wanted that. You reminded yourself, he was only the rich bastard that yelled. 

But he also talked to in the night, gave you cream for your wounds, stopped the king from hurting you more, he was the one you stood up to Head maid. A part you admired his bravery. 

"Would y/n please come for a word?" His eyes laid on you, and you couldn't stop yourself. You grinned like an idiot. 

"Of course your Majesty." You excitedly got off your chair, but tried not to show it. 

Marly caught your eye, and she has an unreadable look in her eye. That didn't bother you though, you practically skipped out the door. 

"What is it?" You asked, trying so hard, so, so hard not to give all your stupid excitement away. What was wrong with you?

"Someones happy." Katsuki said. 

"Maybe a little," you commented, playing with the hem of your apron. "Everyones been saying that."

Only Eyes For You  KATSUKI BAKUGOU x READERWhere stories live. Discover now