Chapter Four :Rude Remarks

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Sorry it took so long to update. :( 

 ( unedited I apologize. )

You turned your head at the sound of foot steps in the dark hall. It was so hard to see you could barely tell. It must be one of the guests. You thought silently. You bent into a deep curtsy as you guessed whom ever it was, they were probably above you. 

And you were right. Once you saw the shoes of the unknown person you knew whoever it was, they had some nice shoes. Dang. 

You lifted your head for a peek of their face, and once you saw, the blood in your face ran cold. It was none other than the king. 

You didn't dare say a word. Not after how he acted before. You had to keep your anger inside and play along. 

"You were the one who thinks they can do whatever they want?" 

Pft. You aloft laughed. Was he talking about himself? You finally rose form the curtsy to address him. 

"I don't know what your talking about Your Majesty." You gritted your teeth not to get your anger through. 

"I recognize you now. You were the one yelling at my son? How much did you pay him to stand up for you?" 

Before you could stop yourself, you say: "You were there?" 

"I don't know why he would do such a thing for . . ." He paused finding the correct term. "Your kind." 

It took everything you could muster not to yell in his face and rip his hair and crown right off his head. "I didn't pay your son a penny your Majesty." You said finally. 

"A bribe with something else perhaps?" 

"The prince simply stood for whats right." Unlike you. "I apologize for yelling at him Your Majesty." 

"Right now the guests are in the ball room. You will walk through everyone in your rage clothes and apologize to him." 

You snapped your head up. "What?" 

"Are you deaf maid? Go now." 

"At least allow me to change into some better clothing . . . though I don't have much, I can at least-"

"Now. Can you take my orders without question?" The King provoked. 

You swallowed down your rush of emotions. 

"Fine." You tried to say as confidently as you could, but reality hit you like a truck. You were below him. You were below just about everyone. 

Walking down the hallways towards ballroom, didn't even want to think about the stares you were going to receive. 

Now you stand in front of the door. A big magnificent door. The handles were made of gold, along with patterns in flowers in silvers. This door was probably costing more than you ever did your whole life. This kind of reminded you of a Cinderella story. You were definitely making an entrance. But not a good one. 

Your hand shakes only slightly before you shake it off telling yourself, these were just a bunch of rich bastards that loved money and expensive fabrics. 

Your foot stepped onto the glossy floor, and once the door clicked close everyone turned to look at you. The musicians stoped playing their music and your ears felt like they were ringing. 

Your face turned bright red with all of the attention. You weren't going to go running out the doors though. Not because of the kings punishments, but because you wanted to prove yourself.  

Mummer and chatter . . .

laugher and rude remarks. 

It was the poor girl . . . 

You sucked in a breath and forced your legs to move forward. As soon as you said your god damn stupid apology you could leave. You weren't the one who needed to apologize ether. He did. And yet you were taking the blame and the looks. 

You finally spot the prince near the window of the ballroom. No one was dancing with him, and you wondered why. The music did stop though. 

"Prince Bakugou." You said, your voice breaking. 

He whips his head around. And completely shocked, he had no idea what to say. So you dress his name again: "Prince Bakugou." 

"... yes?" 

You face hurled with confusion. Was this even the same person? Why wasn't he yelling and calling you a damn coward like before? Could it be perhaps he needed to pull up an act? He was the coward then. Everyone was such a damn two face. The prince was annoying more and more and the only thing he said was one word. 

"You know what? You should apologize to me! I had to come walk through here with everyone staring at me, to apologize for something I didn't even do!" Right now, you didn't really care what the consequences were. Let them throw on the streets. You didn't want to live in this damn palace for another minute. 

"What?" He asked, seeming annoyed. 

"You heard me! You were the one yelling at me!" You screamed at him. People gasped. 

"I stood up for you! You just sat there and took the hitting!" People gasped again. 

"I don't need your god damn help. Everyone in here including you just cares about their money. You have it easy, you don't know what I had to go through to get here, and yet I still live on the bottom. I know you peoples biggest problem is the lack of the amount of silk on your gown or the carriage you take to ride here. The worlds bigger than your small perspective." 

People yelled and booed you. Expected. 

The prince look confused. Why the hell were you even here? 

"Thats right! Boo me all you want! One day you'll see me on the streets because after this Im gonna be kicked out. Not that I wanna stay here anyway. While you bathe in your money, I don't get a god damn penny. My maids and I cleaned this place a week ago. Bet yah didn't know that. One more thing before I go." 

You paused. 

"You guys are all the biggest bastards I've ever seen." 

Some threw hair pins at you, others just screamed in disgust. 

"So long you rich bitches." You pushed the doors open, and bumped into someone. 

"I'm afraid I don't consider that an apology." The king said. 

Only Eyes For You  KATSUKI BAKUGOU x READERWhere stories live. Discover now