Chapter Eighteen: Secret Understanding

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A short chapter I apologize! Nonetheless, enjoy ~

Offended, and hurt, you told them one last thing, "While you walk around talking about nothing, I'll train hard running. Something you princes and princesses will never understand. You may have problems, but almost everyone loves you." You looked Katsuki dead in the eye. "You'll never feel betrayal."

Katsuki sighed and rolled his eyes, and all at once his calm composure fell. "If I had a damn nickel for every time you said that--"

"You'd be rich!" You cut him off. "But you already are!"

"What's your problem? No one asked you to start this!" He yelled, and the girl next to him looked shocked, shocked at Katsuki's outbursts. She apparently never saw him like this.

"Look Katsuki. I'm just trying to defend myself. She's practically calling me a low class dipshit." You said, trying to calm yourself down.

Katsuki looked over to the girl, and nodded. "Stop tormenting her." He said, and the girl was shocked again, like her entire life no one ever told her to stop doing something, no one ever walked on her parade.

"Are you-- accusing-- accusing me?" She shrieked at him. "Who cares if that dirty poor girl feels bad? You," She grabbed his hand again. "You and me, were better than her." She pointed her head towards you.

Before Katsuki could reply, and before that damn princess had time to react, you walked over, and slapped her across the face. "You have some nerve saying that." You spat at her.

The girl gasped in utter horror. "This behavior is unacceptable!" She cried. "Do something Katsuki!" She desperately cried for help, but Katsuki just ignored her.

"Are you a baby?" He asked rhetorically. "I'm not doing everything for you, take care of yourself. Jesus Christ." He rolled his eyes.

"Don't tell me you are agreeing with that . . . dare I say girl! She's filthy! Loot at her!" She cried, and backed away in fear of getting a second slap.

"Just shut the fuck up." Katsuki said. He put his hand on his temple. 

You sighed and smiled slightly. I guess you guys did have a secret understanding for one another. "Who is she anyway?" You asked. And you subconsciously wandered to Katsuki's side.

Katsuki shook his head. "Some bitchy princess I'm supposed to marry." He shrugged.

"Are . . . are you going to marry her?" You asked. Trying to make it seem more of a genuine question, than out of jealously.

Katsuki saw through it like you would see through a glass panel. "Jealous?" He asked and laughed. "I wouldn't marry that dumbass, not for anything."

"Here I thought you were spoiled . . ." You told him and sighed. "So . . . what do we do with her now?" You asked.

"Don't fucking ask me." Katsuki said.

"Not acceptable in the slightest! I'll have you know that my father --the kind may I add-- will know all about this! You two despicable people will not go unpunished!" She threatened.

And for a moment, even if it was just a second, you thought you saw something like fear on Katsuki's face before he shook it off like it was never there. 

Perhaps her threat meant something, It's not like Katsuki's father would defend him . . . and suddenly you regretted slapping her. As much as she deserved the slap, Katsuki didn't deserve a punishment. You weren't quite sure what to do. You weren't sure if she was actually going to get someone to punish you two. But judging from how she was acting earlier, you were pretty darn sure whatever she said to anyone in her kingdom, it wasn't taken lightly. Everyone probably believed everything they were told from her. 

And why would you want to tangel Katsuki in your own mess? As much as of a drama queen, anger prone, annoying prince he was, the more you spent time with him, the more you saw a different part of him. (I was gonna say 'different layer of him' but then my mind just went to shrek lmao.)

"How long is she staying here?" You asked Katsuki.

"In my mind, she's leaving right now." He replied.

The princess stood from the ground, and tried her best to wipe off the dirt that was covering her dress. "A princess should not, under any circumstances we covered in mud, this is ridiculous!" She said, disgusted. "I'm packing my bags and leaving this instant!" She declared.

"Thank God, the sooner the better." Katsuki rolled his eyes. "Nobody wants you here."

She looked offended. But then her face formed into a smile, "Trust me Katsuki I will find a way to ruin your life. I'll make sure of it. What happens when everyone knows your dating a low life like her?" The princess voice, charming act was over. Her voice was more of a villain.

You put a reassuring hand on Katsuki's shoulder. "Don't worry Katsuki, were not dating, she can't do anything." You smiled. Maybe a part of you was sad to admit that.

"Not officially anyway," He mumbled. But you couldn't hear.

"What'd you say?" You clairfied.

"I said take your goddamn hand off my shoulder!" He shouted, and you retreated in defeat.

"Right, you hate pity and any form of someone helping you. I forgot." You said sarcastically and smiled.

The princess shook her head. "This isn't the last you've seen of me," And she stormed off.

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