Chapter Nine :Alright, I'm Sorry

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You rolled your eyes. He was such an idiot. An obnoxious idiot. How you had even slightly fallen for him? Were you as stupid as he was? 

Once inside the dining room, you slammed the door shut as hard as could. You needed some way to get your anger out. 

You sat back down in your chair. And everyone burst into questions. 

"What did he want?" "Does he like you?" "How does he know you?" "Why does he keep asking for you?" "Can you introduce me to him?" 

"He's hot." (Lol oof. Such a mood tbh.)

You were not in any mood to answer questions. "I don't like him, he doesn't like me, and I have absolutely no idea why he keeps asking for me!" 

"Oh." Everyone said in unison. 

After that, the rest of the lunch was quiet. 

After Marly scrubbed her dishes, she comes up to you though. 

"Are you okay?" She asks. Clearly not Marly. I don't want to talk to you okay? 

"No. Im not okay thank you very much." You shove her back as you get up from your chair, and scrub your dishes. 

"Hey! What was that for?!" Marly asks angrily. 

"Stop talking to me! Cant any one see I want to be left alone?" You scream. "None of you were my friends before this. Then once the prince takes me away, all of you won't shut up!"

A brief pause before one of the maids, --you weren't sure who-- said, "We can shut up if you tell us," 

"NO!" You yelled. 

Picking up your dusting fans and brooms you walk out the door and clean in the very corner of the library, hoping not to be noticed. 

However, a lot was in store for you today. 

Someone walked into the library, and it wasn't just someone. It was that green haired kid. You couldn't remember his name. 

Dek . . ..  Deck? Deku? I think its Deku. . . . you thought.

"Hi, I really don't mean to interrupt, but I just wanted to make sure . . ." He trailed off. Probably regretting coming here.

You walk over to him, and ask, "Wait why is it your here?" 

"Oh," He looked down embarrassed for no reason. "I just wanted to make sure you were okay, because you and Prince Bakugou seemed to be on fire in that argument." 

"Aw," You smiled. "Too pure honestly. Thanks . . . Deku . . ." You risked putting a false name. 

"Anytime." He seemed normal enough. Looks like you were good, guessed right. "But. . . I think you should apologize to him." 

You groaned. "never, he's a . . ." You stopped yourself there. 

Some of the other maids began to listen in on your conversation. 

"Really Y/n. I don't think its appropriate to being saying that to the prince. He is the Prince." Deku insisted. 

"OOOOOOOO!" One maid shouted. "What'd ya do Y/n??" 

You rolled your eyes and the comment and continued to talk to Deku. "He started the argument. He should apologize to me." 

Deku laughed. "Your so stubborn y/n," 

"I know." You smirked.

"Please, I can tell you the directions to his quarters. Only if you'd like, but I would highly recommend you do so." 

Only Eyes For You  KATSUKI BAKUGOU x READERWhere stories live. Discover now