Chapter Ten :Mardee Might Not Be Who She Says

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I really don't deserve your guys approval and support, thanks tons!

You hit your bed, smiling like never before. 

You couldn't shake the feeling. Katsuki's grins, you couldn't get over the way he could just stand to Head Maid like nothing. It really inspired you. 

You grinned and rolled on your bed, cursing yourself. You shouldn't be this happy. But it felt so normal. It was quite hard for you to close the door actually. You wished Katsuki and you could stay together longer . . . but you didn't want any of the maids seeing, they were already upset about the constant lingering on work hours. You just had to be careful, after all for that ego filled grin, what wouldn't you give? 


That night it was hard to fall asleep, but you managed. 

Just thinking about the next time him and you could exchange words again, was enough to pull through the night. He was quite interesting to you actually, and you really wanted to get to know him. 

Right now, you wondered if he was thinking the same thing about you . . .

Before you knew it, morning came, and as always, "Get the Hell up y/n! And we have something to talk about!" Head Maid yelled. You rolled your eyes, you could deal with her later. 

You sat up, and brushed your teeth, pulled your hair up into a bun and got your apron on, ready for the day. 

Opening the knob on your door, you see Marly. 

She waved hi, and you waved as well, not wanting to be rude. Recently though, Marly had been . . . well, rude. She just got onto your nerves. 

"Hey y/n. How was your night?" She said it was a type of skepticism in her voice. For a moment you panicked. Was she going to blackmail you? What did she see?  

"It was okay." You lied though, it was better than okay. 

Reading her face, she seemed normal enough, she probably didn't see anything. 

"So the extra 7 hours were fun?" She asked playfully. But . . . not until now, had you realized that something in her voice, was off. 

"Yeah," You lied again. Awkward. 

"Huh," Marly questioned. "Because I didn't see you as I passed the library on the 6th hour." 

You almost stopped walking. Your heart was beating fast. "I just used the restroom. . ." You lied again. You didn't really have a talent lying (If your a good lair, then . . . well I envy you), but Marly seemed to buy it. 

"Same girl, if I had to work an extra shift I would be in the bathroom like the entire shift." She nudged your shoulder. 

What would you do Marly? Poop the whole time? 

Once the two of you walked into the library, Head Maid stormed over to you faster than the speed of light. 

"What was it that you pulled yesterday?!" She demanded. 

"...wait what?" You asked meekly. 

Marly looked over to you skeptically. 

Head Maid pulled the ribbon of your apron and pulled you outside the doors. 

"I don't care what you bribed the prince with, but if I see it again, your on the streets got it?" She spoke fiercely. She always freaked you but with her threats. But this was as close as it got. You never got past threatening. You didn't wasn't to either. "And if I see you skipping hours with the prince, your out." 

Only Eyes For You  KATSUKI BAKUGOU x READERWhere stories live. Discover now