Chapter Seventeen: Betrayal

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Your POV:

It might have been one of the longest days of your life. But with the setting sun, practice was finally called off: "Okay, that will be all for today, good work!" Merkay called to the group. You took off your helmet and your sweaty hair stuck to your forehead. You practically dropped your sword from exhaustion and let yourself sit on the ground as you looked up to the sky. The colors from the sunset could have been in a watercolor painting.

Your memorization was interrupted by Merkay. "Y/n, I wanted to talk to you." Merkay stated and gave you hand. You took it and stood.

"What did you want to tell me?" You asked and wiped something of the hair from your face.

Merkay sighed, like he didn't want to tell you but you knew that he was the brutally honest type, and he was most likely faking the sigh to make you feel better. "If I'm being honest," There he went again. "your simply not meeting the standards as the rest of the royal guard. Your sword positions aren't as quick, as precise of the rest. And frankly I thought you'd be better." Merkay said blunty.

You were never sure how to reply to that. Was this not the third time he said something like this to you? Constantly expecting you to be better? He mumbled something but you could only have heard it if you really listened, and you didn't because your respect for Merkay was slowly dropping. "I'm trying my best Merkay." You decided to say.

Merkay put his hand on his forehead to disguise his eye roll, but you saw it. Somehow your usually explosive temper remained calm. Before Merkay could speak, you calmly told him: "Just because my parents were the best of the royal guard doesn't mean I will be as talented as they were. Talent is not a gene. And also you are giving me a higher expectation that the rest to the soldiers just because you somehow still believe that I was supposed to be such a pro." You paused, and a little part of your calm front broke with anger as you added, "So shut up for once will you?"

Merkay's face didn't twitch. Instead he smiled and told you: "Oh my y/n, you have a lot to learn." You shook your head, about to ask him what the hell it was until he spoke again. "But you deserve punishment for your performance today. Run three laps around the training grounds." Merkay decided.

You laughed. "Yeah right. Training grounds are like the size of a freaking football field. I'm not running just because you think I'm not good enough." You spat back.

"Run." Merkay repeated. You stood not running, and nothing was going to make you. Until he said, "Or you will be cut from the royal guard soldiers." He threatened.

Here's something you wanted to say: 'good, I would be more than happy.' or 'thanks for the option, I wanted to leave anyway.' But your mouth stayed shut, and you wondered what to reply. Why didn'y you want to leave this stupid training? You wouldn't admit it, but at the end of the day it was simply because if not for these trainings you would have to return to HeadMaid and all the maids would laugh at your failure. Marly. She would find a way to ruin your life, and if anyone asked you, running three laps was better than Marly. So you said nothing to Merkay and turned around, and walked to the edge of the training grounds.

But as you walked Merkay called out: "No walking y/n! Run it will make you stronger! You have to trust me!"

You smiled again. "Yeah right." You mumbled, and ignoring what Merkay told you, you walked to the edge, and only began running the distance Merkay asked.

The training grounds took up most of the palace property, and part of you enjoyed the scenery as you ran. The sunset, and the trees with their feathery greens leaves. It was the perfect temperature now that the sun was setting, and a cool breeze blew your hair and the leaves.

As you ran, you noticed someone. Not just any someone, that iconic spikey blond hair. No other than Katsuki himself. You smiled remembering the dirt covering his face that dripped onto his clothes. You thought it was funny how embarrassed he was.

You looked back over to Merkay, who was watching making sure you weren't walking at any point. (Little did he know behind every small wall and tree you stopped to catch your breath) You decided Merkay wouldn't mind if you ran a little extra. So you went off course to Katsuki. What kept drawing him to you?

"Y/n! That's off course!" Merkay yelled, he was so far you could barely hear him.

But instead of pretending like you couldn't hear you decided to be a decent person to Merkay even after everything he did. Maybe you were the type to give to people that wouldn't do the same for you. "I'm running extra!" You called back.

Even from this distance, you could see the confusion on Merkay's face, but you kept running. Running without looking where you were going, and suddenly you hit something, or to be more exact, a person.

You rubbed your head and looked up from the ground. It was Katsuki. "Hey clumsy girl." He said and helped you up. You just prayed that you were far enough for Merkay not to notice that you stopped running, just in case you pulled Katsuki with you behind a nearby castle wall.

"That was close," You said to yourself. You were fallen against the grass and leaning against the castle wall.

"What was?" Katsuki asked still confused. And he backed away from you, like he was embarrassed to be seen with a sweaty immature girl. You also wondered why he hadn't sworn yet. Usually after the first sentence, he would swear like a sailor.

"Wait. What's going on--" You cut yourself abrubtly when you saw a pretty girl standing next to Katsuki. She could be a princess for all you knew.

"Are you a member of the Royal Guard?" She asked you, and her golden hair fell perfectly from her bun and she neatly tucked it behind one ear, and held Katsuki's hand in the other.

"Yeah how'd you--" You were cut off.

"Your uniform." She pointed out, and gently pointed to you. "Is that why your so dirty and sweaty?" She asked and her face remained composed. Katsuki said nothing, and just looked off blankly in the distance. But he didn't let go of her hand, and he didn't stop the silent teasing she made of you.

You stood up from the ground and said: "Yeah, so what?" Your anger was bubbling and after keeping it calm with Merkay you knew it would escape you this time.

"Nothing, just wanted to let you know is all." She said politely.

"Like I don't know?" You spat at her, disgusted with this rich arrogance vibe you were feeling.

"I'd thought if you'd known you have gotten cleaned up before coming outside to walk." She said, and her voice was soft, like it flowed on water.

"I'm not done training." You said, and put as much offense, and as much rudess as you could into four words.

"Everyone else is." She said back. Like this was a war she was winning.

"I'm doing extra laps." You said and oh how you wanted to punch this girl, and what the hell was she doing with Katsuki? Not that you cared . . . and once again you denied your feelings.

"Let's just continue our walk?" Katsuki managed to say, like he wanted this interaction to end.

Offended, and hurt, you told them one last thing, "While you walk around talking about nothing, I'll train hard running. Something you princes and princesses will never understand. You may have problems, but almost everyone loves you." You looked Katsuki dead in the eye. "You'll never feel betrayal." 


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