Chapter Ten (Part Two) :How To Get Past Head Maids Rules?

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Wow, were gaining reads so fast now! Almost 400! Crazzzzyy!

Not gonna be able to update this weekend, hopefully this will do: 

You let out an irritated sigh. You were missing out on cake. For being let off of two hours your extra shift? 

Come on. 

That was a little unfair of Head Maid. To be honest though, Head Maid always seemed unfair. Some days, you might think, huh. She's being a decent human today. Others . . .  well. . . 

You wondered what everyone was doing. But you had a pretty good idea, getting cake and talking with each other. Reading thank you cards and gushing over them. You really wished you could have come. 

A part of you wanted to escape the room and sneak upstairs unnoticed and grab some cake, then quickly without Head Maid noticing, you could run back down stairs and eat your cake in peace. 

But, you knew it was a bad idea. If Head Maid caught you . . .

You know what? Your head screamed. Screw her, Im grabbing cake. I deserve it. 

You hoped off your bed and Began to sneak quietly down the halls, waiting around the corners for voices. 

You tip toed up the stairs, and walked towards a room where you recognized the maid's familiar  voices. 

The door was cracked open a peep, and thankfully it was enough for you to squeeze through. Once you were inside the room, you searched for your target. Cake. 

Scanning the room, you finally found a table near the left corner containing dozens of cakes. Your mouth waters. 

Blending in with the crowd, you sneak over to the table. Grabbing a quick plate you cut yourself a rather large piece. Who knows? Maybe you'd save some for later. 

Looking at the floor, you were almost to the exit until Katsuki's voice stopped you. 

"Y/n, there you finally are." He sounded angry. 

You had a great come back in your head, and then you stopped. Remembering what Head Maid said. 

You felt bad, of course you wanted to talk to him. The best you could do right now was flash a smile and leave. So thats what you did. You grinned at him. But the sadness showed in your eyes. 

With her eyes in the room, there was no way you'd risk speaking to him. After all, if you were caught. No cake. 

So, you slid past him, running out the door as fast as you could before he could call your name again. 

You let out a breath you didn't know you were holding, and scurried back to your room. Satisfied  with your well done job. 

Collet cake: Check. 

Make sure Had Maid doesn't spot you: Check. 

Eat Cake in peace in your room: Almost Check. 

Get Back to room: Almost there . . . just a left turn. 

The wonderful fluffy sweet bread was perfect. Rich cake tasted like heaven. You stuffed some of the cake in your mouth, you were almost to your room. 

When you crossed the corner though, Deku was there. 

You stopped walking for a moment. Him and the rest of the boy cleaners, --you still were unsure of their names-- were walking your direction. 


You leaped back around the corner, and hid. Hoping they'd pass without seeing you. 

"...really want cake right now. So glad." 

"Agreed! I haven't had it in a while," That was Deku's voice. 

The voices came closer and closer, and then with your back to the wall, they walked past you. 

Not all of them walked past though, one boy stopped and spotted you. 

You couldn't imagine what was going through his head. There was a random girl hiding behind a corner stuffing cake into her face. 

You didn't move, as if it would somehow make in invisible. But you knew that wasn't the way things worked. 

"Who the hell are you?" He asked. 

The rest of the boys turned around. 

"Y/n," Deku said, sounding confused. "Did you come back from eating cake?" 

"...." You said nothing for a while. "Yeah." Finally. 

"Damn, she's pretty hot." One of the boys said in the back, you could not see his face. 

"Get out Ethan, I can take her to my room. . . ." You froze unsure of what was happening. 

Surprisingly, Deku said something. "Guys, stop. She's my friend."

The guy named Ethan laughed. "More like girlfriend." 

Some of the boys laughed. Then one said, "Hate to be Mr. Steal yo girl, but she's mine for now." 

What was even happening? 

Slowly you tried to back away from them, just wanting to head back to your room and eat your frickin cake. 

"Hey, where are you going?" One boy yelled. "Dont move." 

It felt like a command, and it glued you in place. Damn thirsty boys. 

Come on y/n, your better than them. 

Before you could defend yourself, someone else did. "Get the hell away." Katsuki yelled to them. 

(God why am I so damn basic with this story. )

The boys all turned to see Katsuki almost burning in flames. 

They ran off, up the stairs towards the room where supposedly, there was cake. Deku was fleeing as well, but Katsuki stopped him. 

"What the hell?" He asked. You were too shocked and scared to say anything. "Do you damn people go around taunting fucking pretty girls?" 

", Im sorry your Majesty." Deku croaked. 

What was there past? You wondered. 

Katsuki shook his head, and walked over to you. You needed to leave. You weren't supposed to talk to him. 

You turned your heel and walked towards your room. 

"Are you ignoring me?" Katsuki asked. 

You wanted to badly to tell him, but if you associated now, it would get harder to resist later. So you kept walking. 

"Y/n!" He yelled. 

You sighed. One explanation. You turned around and came towards him. "I cant be talking to you anymore . . ." The sadness filling your voice. "Head Maid won't allow it. If she sees eye contact she's banishing me." 

"the fuck?" Katsuki asked. "Why?" 

You shook your head. "She doesn't like that I can skip work hours or something I dunno." 

There was a silence. 

"Well," You started. "Thanks for getting me out of work yesterday. It was fun hanging with you. But I cant talk. At least not for a while." A showed a sad smile. 

You turned and walked down the hall, this time, Katsuki didn't yell for you to come back. 

Only Eyes For You  KATSUKI BAKUGOU x READERWhere stories live. Discover now