Chapter Twenty :Words

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Practically raining. Raining short stupid apology notes. All things you absolutely refused to accept. Of course you wanted him back. The only reason you didn't accept them was because you wanted to teach that damn prince a lesson. He can't do that to you and get away with it. You were angry, you were heartbroken, and you tried to stay mad. Honestly, all you really wanted to do was talk. Both of you owed each other an apology, but he drew blood first, so that meant he had to apologize first. You weren't talking about trashy gifts. No. He better come up and say something, otherwise you weren't doing anything.

You took out all your grudges in the sword. It's been one day since you and Katsuki's fight, and you mindlessly followed Merkay's orders. Swing after swing. Ever since you found out you were part of the Royal Guard, life has just been different. The pleasant room, the practices. The . . . well everything.

With that being said, part of you missed Head Maid. Part of you missed the simple life you were living before all of this. Part you wished maybe you never met Katsuki, but that's just what you told yourself to stay mad. It wasn't even true in the slightest, if anything you just wanted it to go back to the way it was. If you'd just never pressed him . . . was it your fault that the argument started? But if the fight didn't happen at that moment, it would have happened eventually right?

"Y/N!" Merkay called, but it felt so similar, sounded so much like . . .

"Y/N! You aren't going anywhere!" Head maid shouted. "You have already taken so many hours off for who knows why!" Head Maid suddenly appeared. "That is right. You will not be going anywhere. Not under my watch anyway." 

"What? Extra two hours?" You questioned. 

"Ill add and extra hour for each word you speak. Thats 6 hours now y/n." 


"7." Head Maid interrupted. 

"Il be working the whole night!" You stammered. 

"Want six more hours? You will shut up and do your work if you know whats good for you. After everyone is dismissed, you will stay 7 more hours. Clean the library spotless." Head Maid demanded. You sighed heavily, just turned around from Head Maid, went back to cleaning, it was going to be a long day. 

"Y/n!" Merkay called again, snapping you from your daze. "What's gotten into you? I've been calling you several times. You look like you are out of it. And where did you go on the run?" Merkay asked and scrunched his forehead. "No matter, I need to tell everyone something. So listen up!"

You nodded, and shook away the flash back. Besides, you didn't want to think about what happened after the run . . .

"We will be attending a meet and greet, and performing a parade." Merkay stated, loudly enough so everyone heard him. You had no idea what a meet and greet was.

"Which village?" Some shouted through the crowds of soldiers.

Merkay took a deep breath. "Before I state the name, I want to add that the prince will be attending to deal with any unwanted . . . attention." The prince? You weren't sure how you felt about that.

"It's Ragiew Village isn't it?" Another guard yelled to Merkay, to which he nodded somberly, and almost every soldier booed and groaned. Meanwhile you were standing in the midst of it all, confused.

"What's Ragiew Village?" You asked one of the guards standing next to you.

He turned around from booing and explained: "Worst village to go to, 'specially for meet 'n greets. 'Dem people 'dere are nasty! Come up to yah and threw dirt in yah face!" He said and the disgust was quite evident on his face.

"Why?" You asked him.

The man shrugged. "We all be wondering 'dat," He turned back away from you and continues booing to Merkay.

Still confused, you looked up to Merkay and he finally managed to quiet everyone down to explain what was happening. "I don't care if you like it or not. It is utterly mandatory and you MUST attend. No questions asked. Like I said the prince will be there and he will deal with it."

You sighed, not sure whether to be happy or sad to see the prince again, you were ready to forgive him, but the thing that was breaking your heart was the fact that maybe he wasn't ready to forgive you. Maybe he was right. Nothing was broken. You never had anything. You shook the thoughts out of your head before the tears could swim in your eyes again.

"We will be going tomorrow, wear our Royal Uniforms for the parade." Merkay put his hand to his mouth and cleared his throat. "You will answer anyones questions about the palace, and you will be polite."  He said strictly. "Am I clear?"

Some soldiers just sighed, others saluted, but you just followed the crowd out of practice and kept trying to ask people what was going on but no one really heard through all the conversations.

Finally someone must have heard you because you felt a tap on your shoulder, you whipped your head around ready to ask what on Earth was happening, but your mouth made no sound. It was Katsuki. You should shoo him off, that's what you told yourself, but you desperately wanted to listen to what he had to say, you were happy he seeked you out, but everything that was said that fight, did he really mean it all?

"Y/n . . ." He said softly, and it was so different to you seeing him like this. Like a chip of the mask covering his real feelings was fallen, and slowly you were going to let him completely be himself, it would just take time.

"Katsuki . . ." You replied, and the both of you froze. Unsure of what to do next. You just waited for him to say something. The deafening silence, and you two just stood. Further than you might have wanted.

" . . ." Katsuki mumbled something, but you couldn't hear. Last time you asked him to speak up, he just told you to get off him, so you stayed silent. Not that you two were touching though.

Katsuki sighed. "I didn't mean it y/n. That fucking princess made me mad alright? Don't blame me." He said, and shoved his hands in his pockets. He just couldn't do it huh? He really couldn't take the blame? Not for any goddamn thing.

"Don't blame you?" You asked. And you took a big breath to keep your tears inside. "I just wanted to talk to you, make you feel better. You were acting weird so I thought . . ." You hiccuped stopping yourself, and the tears made your vision blurry, but you wiped it away before they fell.

"Damn it. I'm not saying the right thing am I?" Katsuki asked.

You just dropped your head in sadness, and let it hang. Katsuki walked towards you and tried to hug you, maybe words were just too much. Maybe it was simply easier to explain in actions.

But you pushed him away, not very successfully, he still held you and refused to let go as much as you pushed.

"You can't do this!" You cried. "You can't just hug me and pretend you didn't break my heart with what you said! You have to make it right!" The tears were running down your face quickly, and now you didn't care to keep it in.

Katsuki knew better than to say something, so he just kept hugging you, as long as you needed until the tears finally stopped. You stopped pushing away and cried into his navy blue blazer, and the only thing keeping you from falling was Katsuki's protective arms. 

But you couldn't let him do this! Love is so blinding! You thought to yourself.

But then you gasped slightly. Did you just admit to yourself that you were in love? In love with this prince? This bastard prince that broke your heart?

But yet, Katsuki's hug was so comforting, and you let yourself go. You let yourself forgive. 

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