Chapter Five (Part Two) :Listen Secretly

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You wanted to run to your room. Instead though, your legs failed you and you crumbled to the floor. So much emotion was poured into one day, it was all too much to handle. You screamed for how much went wrong today.  

How could the prince just walk away like that? 

What was he doing? Just gonna return to the ball all happy-go-lucky?

You kept trying to take deep breaths to calm the violent shaking  and sobs racking your body. 

After a while, it did work. You eventually stopped crying, but still you remained on the floor. It was comforting almost. You focused on wiggling your fingers, counting the wrinkles o your hands as a distraction from what happened. 

"... why . . . maid .  . . the . . . cleaning everything . . ." You heard voices around the corner. But you couldn't quite make out what they were saying. 

Did they hear you cry? You blushed in embarrassment. 

Still on the floor, you inched forward with the little strength left in your legs. Once you were leaning against  the corner of the wall you knew the voices that were speaking. 

It was the king. As well as the prince. 

"God damn you! The people aren't happy with your rule anyway! Let me make some damn decisions for once. You can't control my life or hers!" The prince yelled to his father. By 'hers' you thought he meant you. 

You couldn't see, but you could feel the gaze of the king onto the prince. It didn't sound like their first time arguing. 

"Im the king! Have you forgotten? I make the decisions because unlike you, I can handle the pressure of things. While you crumble and fall under that girls gaze. Why did you stand up for her in the first place?" 

You could bet all the money you didn't have, that Prince Bakugou would scream in his face again and come up with a few harsh sentences to prove his point. you've only known him a short time, to you, you figured him out though. 

To your surprise his mouth stayed shut. So the king continued: "You must be as soft as I thought." 

A fist slammed the wall, you assumed it was Prince Bakugou. "Im doing whats right father." 

"Who said you could call me that?" The king shrieked at him. 

"Your my fucking dad!" Prince Bakugou yelled, losing his temper. You felt the urge to stop the fight. But what place did you have? 

"You are no son to me." The king growled. "And you will never be worthy of the crown. Or the people. Or the palace. Or of a wife." 

Bakugou held his tongue. You was shocked at how little he retorted. 

"What girl would like --let alone love-- someone like you?" You sensed the king rose his head. 

After that, footsteps were heard walking away. And another fist to the wall. "Damnit." It was the prince. 

For reasons you couldn't explain, you wanted to comfort him. As much has he'd yelled at you, you could relate to what was happening. 

A father that didn't quite love you. A mother never quite there for you. A family broken in ways the the finest builders and inventors would never find a way to put back together. 

You guys were in the same boat, paddling through your own blood to try to escape their words that tore you down. And for you, the hits. 

You stood behind the corner though. And he stood on the other. Until he walked away. And ever even knew you were there. 

Only Eyes For You  KATSUKI BAKUGOU x READERWhere stories live. Discover now