Chapter Five :Two Faced Prince

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"I'm afraid I don't consider that an apology." The king said. 

You rose your eyes to look at him. Rage was still boiling in your veins. "I don't need to apologize." You didn't bother to curtsy or address him as your Majesty. You were gonna be kicked out anyway. Who the hell cared now what you did? 

"Im am so sorry for the commotion ladies and gentle men," The king spoke to the guests in the room. You were honestly a little scared to turn around. Until the king forced you. He spun your shoulders around until you were facing the crowd. 

"Don't touch me." You growled. 

The king only gave you a glare then said, "She will apologize to you all if she wants to stay here." He looked at you again. 

He was stupid for giving you a chance. You weren't going to apologize. 

But then, as your eyes grazed across the room, you saw the prince. (HMMMMMMMMMMM) You couldn't quite read his face. It seemed to be emotionless. 

But something in his eyes told you, Stay. It must be your imagination. 

Your mouth dropped a bit. You both just stared at each other for a while. Until he spoke up, "I should apologize to you all." 


You wanted to scream I his face. 'Why the hell are you so damn two faced?' But you held your tongue. Why ? . . . you weren't quite sure. 

"I apologize for the commotion everyone, please let me talk to the maid." He made his way across the floor to you. For once, your explosive temper didn't have anything to say. 

He gently pushed you out the door, but once they closed, oh boy was he mad. You could have sworn the guy could create explosions from his hands. 

"What the hell?!" He screamed at you. 

You looked down with embarrassment. This . . . it  . . .was all your fault. 

"Do you have a brain in that damn ugly head of yours?!" Before you could stop yourself you thought, Ah there he is. 

"Do you have any idea what the king will do?" He shook his head. "Ah . . . I mean father . . ." Finally you noticed a different emotion other then anger. Was it . . . could it be . . . sadness?

You had no idea what to say. But the words came blurted out your mouth, "Are you okay?" 

He stared at you in disgust. . . then confusion . .  . maybe even a spark of sadness before anger took over. 

"Of course Im fucking okay. Your not. You are going to be gone from this castle."

"I know . . ." You said. "Thats fine though . . ." 

"So you lied to me about the money huh? They don't pay you?" He asked. In your head it seemed he was genuinely concerned. But you knew . . . he was as heartless as anyone else. What drew you towards him? "Why do you stay then? Go home to your parents." 

Maybe it was the stares and the flying hairpins. Maybe the king's harsh words and judgmental looks. But you were fooling no one. The thought of your parents was enough to bring tears. You held your face down, trying to stop the spilling water from your eyes. 

"They sold me." You said. But . . . it was barely heard. 

"Huh?" The prince asked. 

"They . . ." You said slightly louder. "They sold me." 

The prince heard it this time. A deafening silence fell. But you didn't see the reaction. Your face was held down as you watched the drops of tears hit your ripped and holed flat shoes. 

You wanted to run. Run to your small bed room with the rest of the maids. But no. You want to run away from the palace, but . . . you just stood there trying to stop the tears . . .and sadness . . . and all the emotion that was hiding behind all the anger. 

Sniffing you finally looked up at him. But he was gone. You caught one last look of him turning the corner before you were left alone. 

Blurred vision from your tears, you regretted telling him. No one would understand. 


Sorry for the short chapter. . .  I just really wanted to update! 

Im going to make a part two for Chapter Five so stay tuned for that! I will get it done around the 19 so mark your calendars folks! 

More ship moments are coming!!  

Only Eyes For You  KATSUKI BAKUGOU x READERWhere stories live. Discover now