Chapter Six :A Savior For You

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Quick note, the king is not the same father as in Bnha, it is a different person. Bakugou's father in the anime is such a cinnamon roll and would never do anything, or act like this. Just wanted to clarify. 

Also Katsuki's a little OOC so sorry for that.  

//also contains some violence, just a warning. More of a pg 13 chapter. If you aren't comfortable reading, there will be a summary of the chapter at the bottom you can read. Just look for the italics. //

"The . .  . king?" You asked, the fear must have read easily on your face because Bakugou stopped walking. 

"... whats wrong with you?" He asked. 

You turned angrily towards him. "The king! What will he being doing with me?!" 

"Why are you so fucking scared?" He asked heartlessly. (He's gonna get better later . . . :)

You didn't reply to that right away. 

"Well," You said finally. "Your right. I can't be a coward. Im not weak. I can fight the king, if it takes everything Ive got." 

Prince Bakugou-- or Katsuki --you reminded yourself-- turned to you, but his blonde spiked hair covered his eyes. "Whatever you say." 

"Whats your name again?" He asked. 

You rolled your eyes. You didn't remember telling him though. "y/n l/n." 

"Y/n." He repeated. 

A long awkward silence passed. "yup." You said. "Thats me . . ." 

Before Katsuki could say a word, the king turned to corner. You promised you would be brave, but you practically hid behind Katsuki's shadow. 

"You, maid. Come here." 

You were hesitant to leave Katsuki's side to be near the king alone, but you did as was told. But as you walked over, someone grabbed your hand. (I feel like its always wrist, so I decided to do hand okay. )

You looked back to see Katsuki grabbing your hand. 

"Where are you taking her?" Katsuki asked his father, and for once a hint go anger was directed to the king. Every time you saw them together it was like the prince was holding himself back. You always wondered why. 

But now, he was standing up to him, for you. You didn't fight it though, you would do anything not to go with the king. 

"Katsuki, that is not of your concern." The king replied cooly, and whacked his hand off yours. A moment ago Katsuki said not to be scared, but now, he looked ever so slightly scared himself. 

"I know who you are." Katsuki said boldly. "Your a damn two face." 

The king paused. Disgust and horror read on his face. "What did you say?" 

But before Katsuki could reply, or the king would do anything harsh, you decided to stand for him, as he always did for you. 

"Your Majesty, if I could." You addressed the king. "I think what Katsuki meant to say was . . ." You didn't know where you were going with this. 

"Just let me be Katsuki." You whispered to him. His face was morphed with confusion. 

He replied in a whisper so the king wouldn't hear, "No. You don't know what your walking into." 

"Lets go your Majesty." You turned with the king. 

The king smirked. "Thats more like it." 

You tried so hard not to look back at Katsuki, but you had to, and terror was all over his face. 

Only Eyes For You  KATSUKI BAKUGOU x READERWhere stories live. Discover now