Chapter Eleven :I'm Going To Change This

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Woah, gaining reads fast, thanks guys <3

Sorry this is a short chapter, just losing interest in the story a bit. Going to keep updating though, Sundays update is gonna be long dont worry. 

It was getting late, your bedtime was coming up, so you undid your hair, and brushed your teeth, trying not to think of the drama happening. It was all just . . . well, you didn't quite know the word. Exhausting maybe. 

Just as you changed into your nightgown and was about to switch off the lights, and head to bed, you hear a knock on the door. You had no clue who would be banging your door at this hour. If it was Head Maid . . . well, if it was Head Maid you were beyond screwed. 

But as you opened the door, it was Katsuki. 

Your first instinct was to smile, but you suppressed it. 

You slammed the door not wanting to get in trouble. But, he jut opened it again, and invited himself into your small room. 

He stared for a while, and you did too. You wanted to tell him to get the hell out, he knew the rules. It would be easier if you two just stopped talking. But Katsuki, well, lets say he wasn't on the Same page as you were. 

"Come on," He said taking your hand. 

Confused, you let him take you. Maybe, you could get away with one last visit. After this though, you needed to cut off this communication. It was for the best after all. 

He led you through the palace hallways and stairs. Until, finally, after endless turns and dreadful steep stairs, he led you to a closet-looking space. 

"What are we doing here?" You asked quietly. 

"No one is here near this area this late. No can spot us." He said, facing away from you opening the door. 

You smiled, catching on to his feelings. "Cant stay away from me can you?" 

He turned to you, pulling you into the closet. "Thats damn right." 

You were shocked at his bluntness, but blushed. 

"I dont give a fuck what your Head damn Maid wants, I can do what I like. If I want to see you, than I fucking can." 

You sighed. "I want to too Katsuki, but it isn't that simple. There are things she can do to me, that . . . well, I have to follow her word." 

"Why?" He asks. "Why the hell does she do this?"

"I don't know." You looked down. "I . . . I guess its okay for one more night. We have to cut this after today ends though, I. . . its going to me more painful for us if we keep this loose string tied." 

"One night?" He asked angrily. "No." 

"Listen Katsuki, I want to see you too, though, your damn temper stops me sometimes," You tease. Katsuki looks like he might have actually taken offense, but you don't apologize. You guys aren't like that. "Anyway, I do want to see you too . . . but . . . Head Maid. She controls my life. If she finds out about any of this, Im kicked out of the castle. How could I survive living on the streets?" 

Katsuki clenches his teeth, not knowing the answer either. 

Without warning, you place your hand on his. "Im sorry. Im sorry if . . . if I led you on to me or something and then you just had to let it all go. I never thought anyone would be remotely into to me, so. . . thanks anyway I guess." 

"Dont fucking apologize." He stated angrily. "This isn't over, I'm changing this." 

He stands up from the inside of the closet. "And here, take this," he hands you more cream for your scar. He then walks away. 

You take a big deep breath. Oh, Katsuki.


"GET THE HELL UP Y/N!" Head Maid yells through your door, startling you. 

You get up, brush your teeth, tie your hair up and walk out the door. You dreaded the thought of anyone seeing Katsuki and you, but it seemed as though no one had, because no one said anything. It relives you slightly. 

"Hey y/n," Marly says coming up behind you. 

"Hi," You say back. 

~Time Skipooooo~  (By . . . none other than your very own lazy  author!!)

After your shift was over, you decide to take a shower, maybe it would help to wash away the thoughts and worries. 

As you walk in, Marly also happens to be there. You wave to her, and go to undress in a stall, once you exit, you hear a gasp. 

A gasp . . .? 

You turn around to see Marly. Staring. 

Confused you look at yourself, you were covered in a towel . . . what was she looking at? 

"Oh My God .  . ." Marly gasps again. 

". . ..uhm?" You ask, "You good girl?" 

"Holy-- my God, what happened to your back?!" 

You look at your back, and see the towel hanging slightly exposing your whipped scar. As quickly as possible you pull the towel back up, hoping that somehow, Marly would not see it. Forget maybe?

"...its nothing," You say. 

"The Prince did that! Thats what he's been doing! Im telling Head Maid right away!" She calls. 

"Wait, Marly," You shout to her, but she was already out the door. 

On her away to exopse your scar, and the Prince. The prince to thing he didn't even do. But even as you ran after her, it was no use, you saw her already speaking to Head Maid. 

What on Earth would happen now? 

Only Eyes For You  KATSUKI BAKUGOU x READERWhere stories live. Discover now