Chapter Twenty One :First Kiss

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Thanks for waiting for this long update, I've been busy lately, I'm going to try to update more regularly again. Thank you for coming back!

But you couldn't let him do this! Love is so blinding! You thought to yourself.

But then you gasped slightly. Did you just admit to yourself that you were in love? In love with this prince? This bastard prince that broke your heart?

But yet, Katsuki's hug was so comforting, and you let yourself go. You let yourself forgive. 

"Y/n." Katsuki said, like for once in his life he was unsure of himself. "Don't . . . don't cry." He said uncertainty. 

"I can't stop." You said, and yet it seemed like finally the tears were beginning to slow. "I guess maybe we should both apologize to each other?" You asked, and you tried to pull away from Katsuki to look at his face, but he refused to let you go. 

"Why are you running away?" He asked, a certain tone you couldn't place. 

"What do you mean?" You asked back. "I'm not running." You said confusingly. 

"Not that idiot. I mean . . . why do you want to get away from me?" He asked, and your eyes widened in shock. Why would he . . . care? 

"I'm not." You replied simply. "I was . . . upset. I kept thinking that we argue so much, that at this point . . . it wasn't worth it. And after everything . . . I've been lied to my whole life! How the frick was I supposed to know I was part of the royal guard? And now I'm training, and it just . . . . it felt like my life was turned upside down in a matter of minutes." You sighed. "I'm confused. I'm flustered honestly with everything that just happened. I don't know how to react so I'm not doing anything, I'm just living by the day you know?" 

Katsuki paused for a moment. "Y/n. There is something I need to tell you. That I've wanted to tell you." He finally let you go from the hug, and you brushed your now messy hair, and wiped the tears of your face. 

You sighed sadly. "That I'm just a good for nothing handful? I know that already, and I understand that you don't want to spend time with me anymore. All this time I was right, we just weren't meant to be. It may not be sad for you, but in a way . . ." You took a deep breath. "It's heartbreaking for me. I guess." You turned away, not wanting to look him in the eyes any longer, whether you admitted it or not, a part of you was in love. In love with Katsuki. 

"Goddamnit woman, don't just fucking walk out on me. You didn't listen to a damn word I said." He grabbed your hand. "Let me say it before I change my mind." 

And now suddenly you were intrigued. What was it he wanted to say? "What . . . what is it?" You asked slowly. 

"Y/n." He sighed and shook his head. "This is going to sound ridiculous to you, but." He paused. 

"Just say it for Pete's sake." You threw your arms up. "Do I need to cough it outta you?" 

There was no hesitation. "I want to be by your side forever. I want you to come to me when you're happy, sad, angry. I want to be the only one you fully trust. I want it to stay that way, and most of fucking all, I want your permission. That everything I said is okay with you." He said, and it came out quickly, the sentences were merged together, and maybe that's why you simply stood for a moment, processing. 

"Wait what." You said and the blush that was crawling on to your cheeks was so strong you had to turn away. 

"You heard me. Or are you deaf?" He asked. 

Still facing away from him you answered, "No. Yep. I  . . . I heard you. Loud and clear." 

Katsuki laughed. "You're a dork you know that?" And suddenly he walked in front of you, his face becoming increasingly closer to yours, and yet you didn't back away. It felt right just to close your eyes, and enjoy the moment. Katsuki's face was so close that you felt his breaths on your face, and you didn't mind it. You found it intoxicating. 

His lips were about to touch your own, and suddenly you were panicking. Were your lips too chapped? When was the last time you moisturized them? But it faded away when you lips met, and suddenly just like they said in every fanfic you've ever read, the world melted away. And just like in every movie you've ever watched, it felt like you were riding on cloud nine. 

It was just like the movies, but yet so different. 

Katsuki pulled away from you and smiled. "How bout that huh? Can't resist me?" He smirked. "Maybe you'll get another." He shrugged. "If your lucky." 

You were left utterly speechless, and your hand came to your mouth. You were just kissed. Holy crap okay. 

"Prince Bakugou." A guard called around the corner. (I was gonna have this interrupt the kiss but then I was like, nah I ain't gonna be like that

Katsuki turned around. "What do yah want?" 

"Your assistance is needed to help sort out the plans for Ragiew." The guard said. 

Katsuki turned you. "Would you look at that. I'm a busy man." He smirked again and waved sloppily before he walked away with the guard. 

Once he was completely out of sight you squealed. This was not happening! But it did! But it was so crazy! And amazing. You jumped up and down and your hand kept flying up to your mouth to try to feel Katsuki's lips. He's said you might get another if you're lucky, and boy how much you hoped you'd be lucky. 

what a sweet chap. 

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