Chapter Twelve :Another Chance Ruined

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"Miss, Miss!" Marly shouts. 

You run after her, trying to grab her hand telling her to shut up. She cant go running around assuming things. 

"The Prince whipped y/n! Thats what they've been doing!" Marly said, her eyes wide. She then looked to you, "Now everything makes sense. I almost believed he liked you or something. Your just a maid though."

You clenched your teeth trying not get angry. 

"Marly. That isn't true." 

"Then what is?" Head Maid countered you. "What have you been doing? I know for a fact when you came to the palace, that," She refereed to your scar. "Wasn't there." 

Marly nodded. It could have been your imagination, but you could have saw her smirk. As if happy you were in trouble. "Y/n. Why cant you stay out of trouble? You, are such a hand full!" 

You ducked your head in shame. "I know, Im sorry miss." 

Head Maid took a deep breath. "I dont know what to do with you anymore. Come." She led you to a room you haven't been in before. And when Marly followed, Head Maid shooed her off. You were glad. 

"Y/n. I cant punish you more than I already have. So I am just going to ask you. What will it take to keep you out of trouble?" Her voice, unlike you have heard before, was gentler. 

"I am so so sorry . . ." You started to let tears fall. You had to go around and be a disappointment. Life was so much easier before him. 

"Y/n, its okay. Girls . . . they run around, they are wild sometimes." 

You smiled at her understanding. 

"But, you have to promise me. I won't ask where your scar came from, or what you did with the prince if you promise me this. No more trouble. I mean it y/n. I cant keep you working here if your more a nuisance than a helper." 

"Thank you." You bowed slightly. "I won't get into anymore trouble. Thank you for another chance. I can be good, just watch me miss," 

Head Maid nodded, though she looked unsure of herself, she let you go. "I trust you y/n." 


You headed back to your room, plopped on your bed, and fell asleep. It was quite early, but after that roller coaster . . . you wouldn't mind escaping the world for a bit. 

Just as you were drifting off to sleep, you heard someone say, "I know it was the prince, who else? Y/n's so dumb honestly. She was acting and lying. I wonder what Miss did to her." Was that Marly? You were too tried to think. 

A snicker. "I would let the prince whip me for a date any day." 

A gasp. "Hara! You wouldn't!" Marly said shocked. 

"Maybe I would . . ." 

Then their voices faded away. 

Trying not to think about them, you were able to go to sleep. it was about three hours before usual, but the sleep was much needed.


In the morning, you opened your eyes. expecting Head Maid to scream for you, but nothing came. No sound at all. 

You sat up and looked at the clock. 5 am. I guess you woke up early for going to sleep so early. 

Licking your lips you thought, what could I do with some extra hours? 

Miss had been so nice to you yesterday, maybe you could go get started on cleaning. That would gain her trust back. She would be nothing but happy. 

Only Eyes For You  KATSUKI BAKUGOU x READERWhere stories live. Discover now