Chapter Three :Meet The King

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You throw the box into your room and begin the extra hours for today. You straighten your apron as dust collects onto it, but you don't really seem to mind. 

Slowly the other maids begin to work as well and you all are cleaning in peace until Head Maid Bursts through the door. 

"Short notice ladies, but the king requires us to clean the main and hall and dining room right now." The words come out of her mouth panicked and rushed. It had been a long time sense you'd cleaned up there. "Guests are coming shortly and it needs to be clean now, chop chop." 

Everyone sighed. But you were kind of excited to see more royal rooms, especially after being cooped up in the downstairs library and sewing rooms. 

Everyone walks up the stairs, completely exhausted and annoyed. You all knew it would take a buttload of work to clean the entire thing. That only worsened, because when you got up there, the entire room looked as if a tornado had swept through and destroyed everything. 

Cloth was covering the floor, cushion's fabric was ripped, a window was smeared with a paint of some sort, and the king sat in the middle of the mess sipping on a mug of tea. (oOf)

As soon as you and the maids saw him you curtsied and kept it there until he spoke up, "You have an hour, you dumb maids get this room proper for the party tonight." He took his leftover tea from the mug and spilled it on the floor, splashing it on cloth, and staining the surrounding objects. "I expect no less." For a final touch, he dropped his now empty mug on the floor, it shattered into pieces, the debree scattered across the room. You looked away in disgust. Who did this man think he is? 

As soon as he walked out of the room, one maid --you thought her name was Sessile-- shouted, "Mkay, who the hell does he think we are?" 

"Psht. He acts all mighty but I can't stand him and it was the first time I even saw him!" Another yelled. 

"Yeah! Lets jut walk out now. He can embarrass himself in front of his 'guests'" She Air quoted the word guests. 

"He pisses me off honestly. I can spill my bitter coffee on him and watch him drown in it." A fourth chimed in. 

Soon the entire room was shouting, you included. 

Just as things were getting out of control, Head maid burst through the doors of the palace. "Calm down and clean!" She shouted. 

Before anyone could say anything she added, "Im going to talk to the king." She closed the door. We all hoped she would talk to him about his rude behavior but no one could stop him from doing what ever he wanted. He was the king after all. 

You and the maids devised a plan to get it as clean and possible for the king. None of you wanted to get kicked out and live on the streets, so you were going to have to deal with this kind of rude behavior. 

All the while you were cleaning, you kept thinking: So that was Prince Bakugou's father. Father like Son, and Son like father. They both seem like bitches to you. (Just you wait y/n. . . .)

~Time Skip~

An hour passed and you all stood proud of how well you guys put together the room. You never felt so included in the group. You all gave each other high fives and laughed and cheered. 

Head maid came running through the door and inspected the room, and for once you saw her genuinely smile. "Good job girls. You can have the rest of the day off." 

Everyone was shocked at how nice head maid was being. She was usually rotten to the core. 

Everyone left the room but head maid kept you. You prayed she wouldn't make you work while everyone else got their day off. 

"I may have over reacted to your breaking of the glass." She stated. 

And a part of your heart lifted, she was being so kind today. 

"But I will not apologize for my actions." She held her head high. "A real lady doesn't stand in the corner a coward. Thats why I never enjoyed your presence. I sensed you were scared to talk to the others. But now I see all the hard work you've put in to make this room . . . complete  . . . again. Good work L/n." 

You smiled. 

"But if you break any thing else again, I will not and I should not let you off the hook. Understood L/n?" 

You nodded. "Thank you Miss." 

She dismissed you and you let the room and smiled wide on your face. Today ended up being a much better day then you thought it ought to be. 

Suddenly, you heard chatter not to far away, and as soon as you heard it, it was already in your face. Hundreds of people walked through the hallway dressed in elegant ball gowns and suits and ties. Woman wore makeup you'd never even seen of. Men had polished shoes and smiles on their faces. You assumed these were the guests that nasty king had told you about. 

You then realized you were going to be trampled, so you had to find a way out of the hallway to avoid being smushed by the amount of people. 

You walk the opposite direction and find a fork. Not sure which to take, --left or right-- you choose left because why not. 

It didn't seem like they were coming this way, and all you had to do was wait for the people to die down and make back to your room. 

The hallway was dark and the lights had been turned off from this sector of the palace for some reason. You were a little freaked out by the dark, but it was better then being trampled. You sucked in an impatient breath and waited. 

Little did you know, you weren't alone in the hallway. (DUN DUN DUNNNN)

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