Chapter Fourteen :Royal Guard

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Katsuki's OOC in this im so sorry. 

Also I threw way too much stuff in this chapter, if its confusing or oofy, then im so sorry, I really didn't know how this would feel, and I struggled to try and write it. None the less, I hope you enjoy the chapter and my efforts to to make it entertaining while still trying to follow my katsuki x you. I do feel like i went crazy off path with this idea . . . but I published it anyway. I was going to re write the entire chapter actually, but I didn't. So tell me what you think of this crazy chapter. 

Head Maid sighed. "y/n, you must forgive me for lying." 

"What are you talking about?" You asked, your heart beating out of your chest. A secret? The Royal Guard? How did this connect? You braced yourself for an answer. 

"Your real last name . . . is Abel. You are y/n Abel." Head Maid said. 

"But I don't understand, that's  . . . thats the Royal Guard's last name?" You wondered suspiciously. 

"It's because you were never sold to the castle, you were put here by your parents. You are born into the Royal Guard . . . but both of your birth parents . . . well." Head Maid paused. "No one really knew what happened to them. They both died from a sickness the castle has never seen before. So you were given to parents that took you for free but unfortunately, as you know they just sold you to me." 

Your ears rung. "Why did I never know this?" 

"I was instructed not to tell you." Head Maid lowered her head. It was her in shame this time. 

"What were my real parents names?" You asked, clenching your teeth. But Head Maid was silent. so you asked again. "What were there real names?" You practically cried. Tears threatened to fall, so much of your real life was kept from you? 

"Maria and Kevin Abel. They were one of the kings most trusted Royal Guards." Head Maid said. "And I can guess that, that the letter in your hand is inviting you to train to follow your birth parents path to become a Guard." Head Maid said. "I'm so sorry y/n, I'm sorry you never knew, and as much as I wanted to tell you, I was forced to leave it a secret. But now you can finally go and live the life you were meant to." Head Maid rose and nodded to me. "Open the letter." 

"Head Maid . . ." So many emotions overcame you. But mostly sadness. Your real life that you never knew . . . and your real parents what happened to them? 

"Open it y/n, I need you to know the truth." Head Maid said. 

I read the letter aloud. "Dear y/n Abel . . ." I paused. So I really am . . . part of the Royal Guard. I shook my head. This . . .this was so bizarre. 

"Dear y/n Abel, as chief of the Royal Guard you are now free of your adopted parents right over you. You no longer have to work as a maid for the palace, I invite you, along with everyone else training as Guards to come and work up to become part of the Royal Guard that protect this kingdom. I would love to see the daughter of one of the most talented parents try to wield a sword and shield. Signed, Merkay Kael." 

Head Maid smiled. "Go now, y/n, follow your destiny." 

"Is . . . is this real?" You asked her. 

"Of course y/n, y/n Abel." Head Maid said. "You have been living a lie for far too long." 

The tears fell from your eyes for so many reasons . . . so many reasons . . . "Thank you Head Maid, for letting me go. But what if . . . I'm not god enough? All I know how to do is . . . dust and clean . . . not fight and protect the royal family . . ." 

"Its in your blood y/n, don't stay while your destiny calls. Leave now and don't ever look back." Head Maid says. "And I'm sorry for everything I did to you. I truly am. Some call it tough love?" 

Only Eyes For You  KATSUKI BAKUGOU x READERWhere stories live. Discover now