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Rory could hear Aidan talking outside of her room in a hushed yet panicked tone. She turned her attention away from him and focused on her surroundings. Rory slowly made her way towards the stars that floated around her. Her room was quite spectacular. Glancing around, she saw swirls of colors around the room. She quickly shuffled towards them, cautiously bringing her hands up to them. There was a mix of bright blues and purples puffs on the wall along with fiery red swirls that wove elegantly around the clouds. A green mist soared around, jumping in and out of the wall. She had a difficult time keeping up with the colors; their beauty captivating her thoughts.

Her bed sat in the middle of her room, the deep blue sheets resting upon it. Directly across from it was a drawer with various items on it, she danced her fingertips across the hairbrush and extravagant jewelry sprawled across it. Above it was a floating mirror with elegant gold accents. The gold rim around it encased the mirror with twisting vines that stretched outward. The lights from the stars around the room glimmered across the glass, making it somewhat difficult to see her reflection. She squinted and tilted her head slightly to get a better view of herself. Her eyes widened a bit when she saw her hair. The color was a bit darker now, and the length now down to her waist. Her beautiful wavy hair framed her face perfectly. Rory turned her head to examine herself. Smiling slightly, she ran her fingers through her long locks.

Her light-brown skin looked smooth, the light from the stars made certain parts of her body shine. Rory gently lifted her hand to her face, tracing it to see if anything was different. She jumped slightly at the sight of her eyes. The iris was grey- nearly white. She saw glimmers of lights in her eyes as if the stars were captured in her eyes.

Feeling a pull suddenly, she turned around. Her eyes darted around, unsure of where this pull was taking her. Rory realized the pull was everywhere in the room, just like the stars. Biting her lip, she hesitantly raised her hand toward the lights. Her fingers gingerly touched the stars, and she gasped, feeling a surge through her body. The rush through her veins was addicting. She wrapped her hand around the star entirely, and all background sound seemed to drain away. Euphoria soared through every part of her body, causing her to never want to let go.

"Aurora," a voice called out, making her let go of the star, the euphoric feeling leaving as well. She turned to see Aidan standing there with a concerned expression on his face. He shifted nervously, placing his hand up as if to calm her.

"What? I'm fine," she snapped, shaking her head at him.

"You know you're not supposed to touch the stars for too long," Aidan reminded her, and she gave him a look, causing him to sigh. "Right... you don't know. All right, Maximus is on the way. He was spending some time with Channing," he informed her with a chuckle. When Rory, once again, gave him a sideways glance of confusion, he sighed out. "He's your other-"

"Aurora!" a boy shouted in a stern tone as he rushed into the room. He had the same face as Aidan, she quickly realized they're twins. However, Rory could see the difference between them already. She saw the contrasts in the way they carry themselves and in their demeanors. Their most significant difference was in his eyes- his were swimming with a very faint glowing purple.

They both shared the same light-brown skin like her, yet somehow theirs looked even more perfect. Their dark hair was smooth, both styled in slightly different ways. The boy who just ran in cupped her face, seeming to check her for injuries. "Are you all right? I do not see any signs of a hex or curse," he commented, turning to Aidan while shaking his head.

"You're his twin, I presume?" Rory questioned, prying his hands off her face. The boy who she assumed to be Maximus turned back to her. "Will any other brothers come storming through my door in a few minutes? Perhaps a sister? What a lovely family reunion this is turning out to be."

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