Aurora Lucina

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Aurora Lucina lived a magnificent life, indeed.

She was what most would call a princess. Living in a grand castle, treated like royalty. Her parents, Aubrianna and Richard, raised them for eleven years until darkness took over them. A war between their family and a coven destroyed them. The two had been at war for as long as anybody could remember. A hex was placed on their mother, causing darkness to consume her mind. Nobody could stop it... and one day she snapped. The hex ate away at her mind until she murdered their father. She disappeared after that night, never to be seen by their family again.

This nearly destroyed the peace of Thera, the tranquility that consumed the land for as long as anybody could remember. However, they could not prove it was the covens who did it. There were stray witches who could seek revenge as well. Therefore, peace remained in Thera.

"But that's not the worst of it," Aidan said, sighing out as he rubbed his hands together.

"How is that not the worst of it?"

"The worst part... is that you saw it," Maximus told her, and Rory raised an eyebrow.

"I was there?"

"No, not exactly. We need to tell you something, Aurora. I'm not sure if you remember..."

"Just tell me, please?" she pleaded tiredly as her eyes darted back and forth between the twins, waiting for one of them to tell her. The fox on her lap perked up slightly, tilting her head at them as if waiting for an answer as well.

"Well, you're an oracle. That means that you get a vision of the future or the past of someone's life," Aidan began to tell her but seems distracted at the animal laying on his sister's lap.

"Oh, like a seer?"

"Not exactly, a seer sees glimpses... you see visions that are more like a chapter from a novel. You see the whole picture. You see everything. However, you cannot control when you get these visions. You don't choose what you see," Maximus said, nudging his brother to draw his focus back to the matter at hand.

"I saw his death, didn't I?" Rory realized with a sigh.

"Yes, you saw every second of it. You saw our mother go mad and destroy him with the very magic he saved her from," Maximus grunted out, his eyes beginning to glow purple. Rory frowned in confusion at this until his twin placed a hand on his shoulder, calming him down. He nodded slightly, the glow in his eyes dimming.

"What magic did he save her from?" she asked gently, not wanting to anger him any longer.

"That's enough about our father's death."


"I will not divulge any further on this matter."

"Fine! Tell me about you two then."

Aurora's brothers, Aidan and Maximus, were two years older than her. When they lost their parents, the twins grew protective over her. Her abilities as an oracle began to show as a child. Knowing this was a rare skill, the family hid her away. In the Lucina family, there had been a few oracles throughout time. Their family had the only oracles ever known. Covens of witches and warlocks throughout their history had tried to capture them for their own gains. They hid Aurora away from danger, allowing a select few into their home. Trusted friends of the family were the only ones allowed near her, ensuring that she still had friends and a joyful life.

Along with her oracle abilities, they found that she gained strength from the stars. Her visions were more lucid when she was around them. She was stronger in every way with them.

They explained how Aidan controlled fire, explaining why his eyes were like small fireballs along with his sizzling skinning. Maximus had strength like no other; he was considered to be one of the greatest warriors of Fantamia- provided that he controlled it. Strong emotions provoked his power to get out of control. When his eyes glowed a bright purple, that meant his emotions were spiking, and his strength could spiral out of hand.

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