Creating a Plan

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It took some explaining to the two villagers to convince them Rory wasn't a spy for the coven. They had to explain their current predicament: the coven, Earth, everything. They realized that they needed these two to trust them in order to get more information on the village. They didn't understand the terrain and how things worked; they needed them. Rory apologized for her outburst as well. They had been discussing possible plans to help the village. Eliphas had been a critical player in the planning, knowing many aspects of how the coven worked.

Rory sat and listened as they attempted to create a plan. She had her hand stuffed in her bag, absorbing the energy from some of the stars. She used a lot of the stored energy already; she hadn't expected to use this much so soon.

"What if we use an illusion spell, Eliphas? Sneak up on them and ambush them," Eira offered, reminding Eliphas of a common spell used amongst warlocks and witches. "We can use an illusion to appear as one of the witches."

"The only way for that is to get a good look at one of them, and we can't do that without exposing ourselves. Holding illusion spells are incredibly hard on other people, it would have to be on me to be convincing enough," Eliphas sighed out tiredly from a chair, hands rubbing his face. "Whatever plan you make won't work! I knew I should've left you fools when I had the chance."

"So why didn't you?" Rory snapped, the frustration and stress from the day getting to her. "You knew what you were getting yourself into when you came with us."

"Because unlike all of you, I happen to be smart. That means that I know I cannot face the entire coven alone," Eliphas shouted angrily, standing up from his chair.

"I'm bored with this," Malakai interrupted in a tone full of venom, "someone decide on a plan, and let's get on with it."

"We can't just do this without a well-thought plan!" Maximus began angrily, but before he could continue, something threw him off.

While the others shared similar expressions of pure confusion, Rory recognized the sound immediately.

A car horn filled the eerie silence of the village.

Saffire flicked her wrist up slightly, and the metal shade lifted, revealing a bright red car outside of her house. Rory stared in bewilderment at the vacant vehicle. The alarm caused many heads to turn at the strange sound. A door creaked open, revealing a small toy in the backseat. Staring at the stuffed animal rabbit, it fell to the snow-covered ground. Falling snow gently coated it, making it glimmer like a diamond.

"What is that?" Aidan quietly asked, not familiar with the loud object.

"It's..." Rory began slowly, narrowing her eyes at it, "it's a car... from Earth."

"Well, how did it get here? Is this the work of the coven again?" Aidan offered, his voice drowned out slightly by the loud alarm outside.

"I don't think so, there's no reason for them to bring it here," she said quietly. The ground began to rumble, the house shaking. Pots and pans started to jitter and rattle together, eventually becoming louder than the car alarm outside. Rory tripped slightly, catching herself on the table. She felt a hand grab her waist to steady her, seeing Malakai quickly remove his hand. She detested the shiver she got from his touch, the ghost of his hand lingering on her.

"What's happening?" Saffire shouted, her hand flying up. Metal shards followed her movements, pinned against Rory's neck, making her heart begin to race immediately.

"Hey! Don't hurt her!" Maximus shouted with rage alongside Channing, who began to growl at the silver-haired girl.

"Show me that I don't have to! Stop whatever you're doing!" she exclaimed, using her other hand to wave metal around everyone.

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