Breaking Points

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Rory faintly remembered him bringing her away from the clearing. They moved fast, never stopping their hurried pace. Stumbling over a few branches on the ground, she grunted when her leg got scratched on a fallen branch- this did not stop Malakai, he just continued on, unbothered. She began to grow frustrated with his lack of care for her. She saved him from his death. She could've let him die- it would've been much less complicated. After a few more moments of being dragged around like a rag doll, she tugged her arm back from Malakai.

"Stop it! We're far enough," Rory said as he whipped around. Before she could say anything else, she found herself pressed against a tree. Wheezing slightly as he grabbed her throat tightly, her eyes widened at the furious look on his face. Her hands clawed at his arms, grunting out. "Let me go!"

"Who are you? What have you done with Aurora?" Malakai growled, pressing her further against the tree. She felt the bark scrape her skin, wincing slightly.

"My name is Aurora! Well, I go by Rory. I'm not the Aurora you know! I don't know how I got here, I hardly even understand where 'here' is," she sputtered out before she moved her eyes up to the sky, feeling a familiar power surge through her. "Now, let me go!" Screaming out as she sent him backward with a smaller energy wave than before.

Malakai stumbled back, glaring at her heatedly. Rory panted heavily, one of her hands resting on the tree she was previously pinned against. "Explain."

"Look, all I know is that..." Rory began to explain breathlessly, still catching her breath, "I woke up here with no recollection of any of you... I remember a completely different life with totally different people. The last thing I remember of that life is dying. Next thing I know, I wake up here."

"How is that possible?" Malakai snarled with a twinge of annoyance, shaking his head before charging towards her. "That is not possible! What trickery is this? Are you one of those bloody witches? A shapeshifter, perhaps?"

"Oh, yes! There is an entire species of shapeshifters dedicated just to shifting into Aurora Lucina! How did you ever find us out?" she sneered sarcastically with a dramatically mocking tone.

"This is not the time for jokes-"

"For God's sake!" Rory exclaimed as he got right in her face. She faintly heard him ask who she just referred to but she chose to ignore him. "I don't know how I'm here, but I am. My name is Aurora Lucina- I have her name, I have her looks, but I do not have her life! I'm from Earth, and I still have no clue what Fantamia is."

"I have never heard of 'Earth'... we live on Thera," he sighed in exasperation, rubbing his hands on his face. "Okay, explain to me this 'Earth' you speak of."

Rory stared at him incredulously, scoffing while shaking her head. "Um... blue skies? Green grass? It turned into quite the mess if I'm quite honest. Not nearly as beautiful here. No magic, as far as I was aware. A lot more advanced technology than you-"

"This place sounds bizarre and dreadfully boring."

"Says the place with dragons soaring the skies instead of birds."

"Birds?" he exclaimed incredulously. "What in the world are birds?"

Rory grunted out in frustration. "You want me to describe birds to you," she deadpanned in annoyance, a snarl on her face. "You want me to attempt to describe birds when you have absolutely nothing to compare them to-" she began to mumble frantically as she attempted to turn away. Malakai immediately made a grab for her arm, and just as he touched her, he became as still as a statue. His eyes glazed over with a glow, which made Rory gasp out and rip her arm away.

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