They Will Rise

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Rory let out a heartbreaking scream, pouring out all of her emotions into it. She grasped for her chest, feeling a terrible stabbing pain. She could tell it was a mixture of panic and pure heartbreak. She never knew someone could feel so much pain. She didn't know a person was capable of feeling such utter pain. An uncontrollable gut-wrenching sob exploded from her mouth, not knowing how to handle her grief. The air exploded around her again as her magic lost control, gold star energy pulsed in the air uncontrollably. Decorations on the walls shook before they collapsed. The chandeliers above her shattered, exploding in the air. She shakily placed her hands above her, using her star energy to block the glass shards from hitting her.

Her eyes shifted up, and she saw Caeler running towards her. However, she turned her eyes back down to Malakai, accepting her fate. Just as Caeler reached her, someone landed in front of her. Valery stood powerfully in front of her, red streams surrounding her as she glared at the coven leader. She swung her hands next to her before elegantly throwing her hand towards him. The red stream threw him back harshly.

"Come on!" Valery shouted as she grabbed Rory.

"No! I can't leave them!" Rory sobbed out, shaking her head desperately. She clutched onto Malakai desperately, her blood-coated fingers digging into his suit.

"The dead do not get to mourn," she told her calmly. Rory's head snapped up at the words in recognition. She remembered them from the vision she saw of Valery when they first fought back in the coven.

"And the wicked do not get to rest," Rory said, remembering her vision inside of Valery's head when they first fought. She scoffed before shaking her head again bitterly. "Well, I am not the dead."

"You will be if you don't come with me! Rory, now!" Valery ripped her away from Malakai's body and away from the battle scene.

Rory tripped a few times over the scattered bodies covering the floor. Curses continued to fly at them every few seconds, but Valery fought for them both as she guided them to safety. They eventually reached a separate room, slamming the door shut behind them.

"Everyone's dead... oh, my God!" Rory sobbed out as she trembled violently. Valery stared at her for a few moments, unsure of what to do. But she knew she wanted to stop Rory from shaking and pulled her into a hug. The girl broke down even further in her arms, struggling to stand as she cried. "They're gone!"

"I know, I know... I'm so sorry," the girl comforted her, smoothing down her tangled hair, "I'm so sorry, Rory."

"I-" Rory began, unable to get the words out.

"Shhh..." Valery soothed shakily, both of them trembling, "I'm so sorry..."

"This isn't your fault. You're a good person, Valery," Rory assured her weakly, pulling from the hug but still holding her.

Valery smiled sadly, continuing to stroke Rory's hair as she tilted her head gently. "We both know that isn't true, but thank you."

"It is!" Rory shouted, surprising Valery as she jumped slightly. "You're good, Valery. None of this is your fault."

"It doesn't matter whose fault it is anymore," she pointed out, blinking rapidly. "We need a plan. We can't just give up, they're gonna find us eventually, and we need a plan. We... we need to figure out what the Maloid we're gonna do! How are we gonna fight all of them?"

Valery's hands were frantically moving in the air as her nerves grew. She began to sputter, genuinely unsure of what to do. Rory grabbed her hands to steady them, swallowing the lump in her throat. They locked eyes, and Rory dipped her head, trying to stare at her calmly. She was not sure if that would even help, but she was right- they needed to do something. And whatever that something needed to happen quickly or they'd be joining their friends soon.

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