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"So, tell us... who are you?" Maximus began as he crossed his arms. Rory sat on her bed with Aliya laying on her lap protectively. The twins, Eira, and Channing were all in her room in one corner while their sworn enemy sat in another. They were reluctant about allowing Malakai to come; however, he talked his way into it and now stood on the far corner of the room. He kept his eyes plastered on her, never taking them off of her.

"My name is Aurora Lucina-" Rory started, but she stopped herself when Aidan began to sputter, thinking she meant that she really was his sister, "no, not your Aurora Lucina."

"What do you mean?" Eira asked as she took a seat next to Rory.

"My name is the same, I go by Rory- but that's not the point. I have memories of a different life in a different world. In mine, I had different parents and a sister. There was no magic whatsoever. I remember every detail of my life..." she trailed off, shifting uncomfortably at her last memory.

"There was one more detail if I remember correctly," Malakai spoke up from his corner. Rory glanced up in annoyance, connecting her eyes with his. He didn't move, his green eyes piercing into hers.

"Um... I remember my death," Rory told them, rubbing the back of her neck uncomfortably, "I'm not sure if you guys have cars here- I don't think you do... but it's one of the ways we got around. We controlled these metal things called cars, and they could be dangerous- caused a lot of deaths, including my own. I was driving with my sister, and I remember a crash... then it all went black, and I woke up here."

"How are you here, then?"

"I have no clue, at first I thought this was some sort of afterlife thing... but you all know me as someone else," she shrugged, getting frustrated by the tears forming in her eyes, "I don't even know if my sister survived it."

"I hope she did." Eira rubbed her shoulder, offering her a sympathetic smile. "We need to figure out how you got here."

"Yeah, any ideas?"

"It could be the work of a witch?" Channing offered from next to Maximus. "If it is, we could ask Eliphas- he would be able to tell."

"No," Maximus told him, a furious expression suddenly on his face, "he lied to us! He hurt Aurora!"

"Rory, my name is Rory," she corrected in a soft tone, causing his head to dart over to her. His eyes flooded with an emotion Rory couldn't identify. His eyes drifted down to the ground for a moment before nodding solemnly.

"He hurt Rory," he corrected tentatively, testing the name on his tongue. "We can't trust him; we can't trust a single thing that comes out of his mouth!"

"I don't think we have a choice," Channing said in a low voice, grabbing his arm gently. He looked up at him, nodding slightly. Rory examined the two, tilting her head. She could tell there was something more between the two, making a mental note to ask later.

"All right, we go to Eliphas. What then?" Eira quipped, turning to the rest of the group with raised eyebrows.

"We find Aurora," Rory said sternly, hoping the girl was still alive and hopefully unharmed.

"Do you even want to find her? You're living her life right now- pretty good life if you ask me," Malakai pointed out in a rough tone, venom falling off of his every word. Aliya growled slightly from Rory's lap, baring her sharp teeth at him. Seeming unbothered by the threat from the animal, he continued to stare at Rory.

"How dare you?" she snarled, feeling hatred soar through her. The air began to shake for a moment before she inhaled deeply. The stars in the room flickered slightly, some beginning to spin. "I was ripped from my world and placed into this one like a pawn. Aurora was taken and is missing, and I want to help her. I want to find who did this and get revenge."

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