First Impressions

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Maximus leaned forward in his chair, rubbing his hands together, deep in thought. He pulled his lips in as he stared at the sleeping stranger in his sister's bed. He didn't understand how this happened: how he let his sister get taken away, how he didn't notice the girl in front of him wasn't indeed his sister. Questions swarmed his mind, never shutting off. He exhaled shakily, feeling tears sting his eyes. He dipped his head down, trying to blink away his mix of emotions.

Feeling a hand on his shoulder, he jumped slightly. He opened his mouth to speak, but the lump in his throat blocked the words. He knew the warmth of the hand all too well, knowing his boyfriend was hovering over the bed next to him. Channing didn't say anything as he rubbed his thumb on Maximus' shoulder blade gently, knowing this motion always calmed him down. Neither of them said anything for some time, unsure what could be said to help the other.

"We'll get her back," Channing said in a confident tone, sitting down in the chair next to him. "I know we will."

"We lost our mother to this coven. They drove her insane because of what they did. They got to her because I wasn't prepared. I swore... I swore to protect my family after that," Maximus went on worriedly, not taking his eyes off Rory. "I mean, how didn't I notice? It's my sister..."

"You believed what you wanted. How were you supposed to know there was even a possibility it wasn't Aurora? We had no idea there were different universes," the wolf reminded him firmly.

"I should've noticed something was wrong."

"Maybe, yeah," Channing agreed bluntly with a shrug. Maximus whipped his head over to him with an incredulous expression.

"Thanks, Channing. Glad to have you on my side," the warrior commented sarcastically.

"But none of us noticed, Maximus. Now, we have to make up for that, we'll make up for it by finding Aurora," he said firmly as his grip on his shoulder tightened.

"Do you think we can trust Malakai? Or Eliphas?" Maximus asked him worriedly in a low tone, worried that either would hear him through the walls.

"No," he said shortly and quickly as if expecting the question. They've all wondered who they could and couldn't trust. "Both of them will save themselves before helping any of us."

"Then, remind me why we're letting them come?"

"Because we need their powers, they're strong. It would be stupid not to let them come," Channing said pointedly, getting slightly distracted as he stared at Maximus, taking in every exquisite detail of the warrior's face, "and Malakai cares for Aurora, he'll want to save her."

"But he hates Rory, I'm worried he'll hurt her," Maximus stressed as he rubbed his hands together. Channing noticed immediately and took his hands in his own. He stayed quiet for a few moments as he comforted his boyfriend, waiting a few moments to answer so that he didn't overwhelm him too much.

"If he tries to hurt her, I'll stop him. I'll protect her, I promise. We will protect her."

Maximus stayed quiet, not responding to his boyfriend. His mind began to wander slightly as he thought about how lucky he was to have him. They had been together for years and couldn't see that changing anytime soon. He wondered what his life would be without him and grimaced at the thought. Channing had brought a light to his life that could never be replaced. He replayed the first day they met in his head every day, remembering the shy boy. He was proud of how far his boyfriend had come, no longer that shy boy who messed up their first meeting.

"What's on your mind, oh, great warrior?" Channing quipped with his signature charming grin. Maximus pushed his shoulder slightly, shaking his head.

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