𝘛𝘢𝘭𝘦𝘴 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘊𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘥 𝘞𝘢𝘳𝘳𝘪𝘰𝘳

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A twelve-year-old Maximus ran down the hall as quietly as he could. He could hear his twin frantically looking for him, a few crashes could be heard in the distance. Maximus chuckled to himself as he heard his brother asking anyone around where his brother was. The two had decided to play a game together and the only aspect to it was that one twin at a time would try to find the other. The twin hiding could do anything they wanted to in order to successfully hide. They offered for Aurora to play with them but she was busy helping their mother with some chores. They were both determined to make her loosen up a bit and be a child.

Their parents were currently in a meeting with their advisors about the upcoming war. The only thing that Maximus knew about the war was that the lycastrals were trying to get back in their good graces. They were once allies but then they decided to side with the covens when they realized that they were currently more successful and were more of a powerhouse. They've been trying to mend the bridge for years but the Lucina's weren't sure. Apparently, a young boy who was only two years older than Maximus was very adamant about fixing the relationship and being on the right side of the war.

While his parents wanted to believe them, their advisors were counseling against it. They were worried that the lycastrals were still working for the coven and were just trying to get information from the Lucina's. Maximus had wanted to meet with them but his parents decided he was still too young.

Maximus rounded a corner and found a floating armoire that was just big enough for him to hide in. He grinned to himself before hustling over to it. He went on his tiptoes and grabbed the bottom of it with the tops of his fingers, using his strength to pull it down. He got it down just enough to open its doors and crawl in. He felt pleased with his hiding spot, his brother would never find him in here.

After a bit, he heard the doors down the hall burst open. Thinking it was his brother, he slammed his hand over his mouth to keep quiet. However, the footsteps were far too heavy to be his brother. Their voices soon became more distinct and Maximus recognized them as his father and one of his advisors.

"Absolutely not! I don't know what in the world made you think I would agree to this," his father shouted as he tried to get away from the man scurrying after him.

"Richard, I am asking you to consider this. He is one of the best warriors we have! Our troops are decreasing by the day." Maximus recognized the voice to be his closest advisor and friends, Gabriel. "We would prepare him for it, he wouldn't get hurt."

"You know, years of being my advisor and that's the first time you've lied. You cannot guarantee he wouldn't get hurt! Even if you could, I would still say no. I would never put my son through that! He's twelve, Gabriel!" Richard yelled angrily and Maximus froze immediately. They were talking about him. They were talking about sending him to fight.

"Do you want your sons to hear you?" Gabriel asked in a hushed tone. "Keep it down."

His father huffed out, pausing for a few moments. "My answer is no, all right?"

"What if I had someone watch him? It's a waste to not use him, Richard. Our troops are being wiped out, soon we won't have anyone left," Gabriel said and it was clear from his tone that he was trying to remain calm, "how about you let him decide?"

"Gabriel... he's my son. He's only twelve," Richard reminded him in a pleading tone, "I... I can't put him in that position."

"But would you consider it?"

The moments of silence that followed felt like an eternity. "I need to go talk to my wife."

The footsteps got quieter as they left the hallway and Maximus was left with a sense of dread. His heart was racing and the armoire suddenly felt far too small. He quickly pushed open the doors and fell out. He landed with a thud, pain bursting through his side but he couldn't be bothered to care. He laid on the ground for a few moments as he tried to calm himself down.

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