𝘛𝘢𝘭𝘦𝘴 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘚𝘵𝘢𝘳 𝘎𝘪𝘳𝘭

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Rory grinned at her sister as they snuck out the front door of their home. Luna carefully shut the door behind them. They quietly crept down the steps down to their car. Rory spun the keys around her fingers smugly, proud that they successfully snuck out of the house. Rory had wanted her sister to come visit at her university but their parents had decided against it.

Her university was only a bit over an hour away and they'd get there before the night truly began. She wanted her sister to experience life and get to have fun. Luna also wanted to see the university as it was about time she applied for schools. Rory knew that they were both old enough to make their own decisions. They'd be responsible and Rory would never let anything happen to her sister, she'd keep her safe.

Luna threw her overnight bag in the back of the car. They climbed into the front seats and Rory hit the wheel in excitement. "You ready for the best night of your life?"

"Ha! You better keep track of how many drinks I have or it might be the last night of my life!" Luna exclaimed teasingly, referring to her low tolerance.

"Don't worry, I'll make sure that you drink just enough. Mom's already gonna kill me for sneaking you out, I'd rather not add allowing you to be hospitalized to that," Rory said as she pulled out of their street. She kept her eyes on the road as she fumbled with the radio, trying to find a song.

Luna smacked her hand out of the way. "Keep your eyes on the road, would you? I'll pick a song while you try not to kill us."

Rory opened her mouth to retaliate before a song they both loved came on. She gasped dramatically, immediately screaming the lyrics of the song. She zoomed through the green light, going a bit over the speed limit. Luna laughed hysterically as Rory butchered the high notes.

"Hey, you're about to miss the highway!" Luna pointed out in between laughs.

Rory waved her off, turning onto the highway. It was late enough at night that the roads were essentially empty. She let her guard down a bit, feeling more relaxed by the fact that there weren't many people on the road. She turned the dial and the music got louder. Rory grinned and leaned her left elbow on the window, her other hand on the top of the wheel.

Luna looked in the side mirror and frowned a bit. "Hey, just so you know there's this car that's been following us since we turned out of our street."

Rory looked in her rearview and made a dissatisfied face. "Hm, strange. Don't worry, sis, if he tries anything I'll just end him with my magical powers," she joked with a grin, wiggling her eyebrows which made her sister laugh.

"So, how's college?" Luna asked after a few moments of silence. "Everything you ever dreamed it would be?"

"It's definitely fun," Rory began with a shrug. "Love the parties, love the classes."

"But?" her sister asked knowingly.

"I still want more," she admitted, not sure how to put her thoughts into words, "I feel like there's something else for me to do and I just don't think frat parties are my destiny, you know?"

"If you thought frat parties were your destiny we would be having words," Luna laughed out, reaching down to turn the radio channel.

"Yeah, I don't think we'll be needing to have that conversation anytime soon," Rory reassured her, "I just... I feel like I'm meant to do more and I'll know it when I see it."

"Well, give me a call when you figure it out so I can come for the ride, you'll need me to make sure you don't do anything too crazy," she said fondly, almost excited at the idea of an adventure.

"What? Like impulsively dye your hair blue?" Rory asked rhetorically, making Luna reach over and smack her in the arm.

"It was one time and only lasted a week," Luna reminded her, "and let's not forget it was your idea!"

"I didn't think you'd actually do it," Rory said in defense, "but you did look like a troll, honestly."

Luna gawked slightly with a smile, leaning over and messing up Rory's hair. "At least I tried something new! I'm not even sure if you've gotten a haircut before."

"Whatever, troll."

The two finished laughing as Luna turned her head back to the road and immediately her smile dropped. With wide eyes and a heart racing, she gasped and screamed: "WATCH OUT!"

And that was the last thing Rory heard before the sound of a deafening crash and everything went black.

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