Help Me

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Rory held the bag in her hands, glancing around her room with uncertainty. Reaching her hand up, she scratched the crook in her neck. The twins told her to pack her things for the trip, but she didn't know what she could need. She had no clue where her belongings were in this room- the layout was entirely different from her old room, and it was much grander. Hearing a bark behind her, Aliya began to fly around the room, weaving in and out of the stars. Rory frowned slightly in wonder as she watched Aliya dive into a crate. There were some noises from within the box before the vixen soared back out with a few shirts in her mouth.

"You're a lifesaver," Rory smiled, taking the shirts from her teeth and gently placing them in the bag. She had forgotten that Aliya had spent most of her time here exploring the house- it was likely she remembered where many items are. A part of her felt guilty for wearing Aurora's things, but the others reassured her that Aurora would not mind. "All right, what else?"

Aliya soared towards her table and landed on it elegantly- her wings fluttering quickly to slow her down. Her paws hit her hairbrush, pushing it towards Rory. Making her way towards her amicorda, she placed the brush in her bag. She brought her hand up and gently stroked her vibrant fur in appreciation. The vixen took off once more, guiding her in her packing. She packed a few more items in the bag that was quickly filling up.

Her amicorda flew to the other side of the room, and Rory began to follow before freezing. Keeping her eyes locked on the stars in the front of her, she gingerly danced her fingers on the stars. She grinned as she felt energy soar through her body. Aliya barked once, and Rory felt a breeze as her vulpide returned to her. She levitated on the opposite side of the star, staring at the star with Rory. Letting out another bark, Rory assumed she wanted her to bring some of the stars.

"Can I really just take them?" Rory whispered in awe, not sure if she was directing her question at Aliya or to no one in particular. She was still not entirely sure if Aliya could understand her when she spoke, but she did not doubt that her vulpide knew what she was thinking at any given time. She assumed this was due to the bond that her amicorda made between them.

Aliya lifted her paw and hit the star, pushing it towards her. Grinning slightly, Rory pursed her lips gently before making up her mind. She wrapped her hand around the star, and reluctantly placed it in her bag. When she held one of the stars, it could be hard to let go. The power they gave her was addicting. She had noticed she could absorb some of the power and essentially store it for later. Shuffling around the room, Rory continued to place some stars in her bag.

"So, you're not only stealing Aurora's life but her things?" a harsh voice accused her from the hallway. Her happiness quickly slipped away, knowing exactly who it was.

"Oh, joy, Malakai!" Rory shouted sarcastically, turning around to see him leaning against her door. "Aren't you just a bottle full of sunshine? To what do I owe the displeasure?"

"We're leaving soon, are you ready yet? Or are you not done stealing yet?" he snarled venomously, charging forward and ripping the bag from her hands. Glancing inside, he saw all the items she was planning on bringing. "You're taking her stars? Her clothes? These aren't yours."

"Aidan and Maximus told me I could borrow some stuff. Her stars give me power which we could need if this coven is as strong as you all say they are," Rory said as she tore the bag from his hands, placing it up in the air. His eyebrows furrowed for a moment before Aliya snagged the bag from her hands, flying up towards the ceiling where he couldn't reach.

"Clever, princess. You know, you won't always have your little vixen to protect you from the things that go bump in the night," Malakai pointed out as he pointed at her harshly, getting very close to her face. Rory tilted her head with a glare, wanting him to back up. She felt a tingle in her body, and she was reminded of the energy she stored from the stars.

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