Two Hours Earlier

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The plan was going brilliantly until they got arrested.

They were doing what they said they would do; they truly were liberating the people in the village.

It was a bit of a blur how it happened.

She couldn't remember every detail about how they failed.

All she remembered was that he caused it.

With that in mind, she rose to her feet.

With every intention to kill him.

Rory nearly darted up to see the source of the explosion, but Malakai quickly grabbed her and pulled her down harshly

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Rory nearly darted up to see the source of the explosion, but Malakai quickly grabbed her and pulled her down harshly. He held her roughly to his side, shaking his head in disbelief. "Do you have a brain? Truly, I'm asking. Or is it just bits of dust in your head?"

"What was that explosion?" she questioned, ignoring his previous comment.

"How should I know that?"

"Well, you love to act like you know everything."

"You see, I do, actually. However, I'm usually not around idiots who have no idea what they're doing," he responded sneakily, eyeing the area below them. He waited until the area was clear, only a few warlocks in their view. Reluctantly, he turned his head to face Maximus and Channing discuss something before turning towards him. They nodded once at him, knowing they all needed to find the source of his explosion.

"Sorry, princess!" Malakai grunted before he gripped both of her arms tightly. Her eyes widened in perplexity as she squirmed. He said nothing else before throwing her off the building. It took everything in her not to scream as she plummeted down to the ground. The wind whipped through her hair wildly, cursing to herself that she didn't kill him the second she had the chance, regretting ever trusting him. She saw a green shield soar beneath her, and she grunted as she landed harshly on it. It slowed down significantly as it lowered her to the ground.

Rory immediately jumped off the platform as soon as she was close enough to the ground, eyes darting around to look for anyone in the coven. It seemed as if they'd all gone towards the explosion. Letting out a sigh of relief, she soon became furious at the man who jumped off the building, landing on the ground next to her. She rushed towards him and shoved him angrily. "What was that little stunt, huh?"

"We had to get to the ground. Don't be dramatic," Malakai shrugged as the wolf and the warrior landed next to them, seeming oblivious to the two of them fighting.

"Dramatic? Are you joking-" she began to snarl before she was interrupted.

"Come on! We need to find the source of the explosion," Maximus told them as they began to run down allies to get to the other side of the village.

"Is really nobody going to comment that he just threw me off the roof?" Rory quipped as she pressed herself against the wall, shooting daggers back at Malakai, who rolled his eyes.

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