Final Battle

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Everything happened in slow motion. A battle erupted all around them. A hurricane of colors and powers soar towards them, Malakai let her go and pushed her behind him. He brought his hands above him before pulling them down in an arch formation. A green force-field surrounded him and Rory, stopping them from getting hit, and likely killed, by everything that was just thrown at them. Colors and weapons bounced off of the wall, dissolving around them. Rory gaped as the melody of colors around her, wrapping around the force-field.

When all the colors were gone, Malakai dropped the shield. Rory turned away from him, standing back to back. She brought her hands together tightly, creating a small ball of star energy. She watched as it formed in her hands, the bright white and gold ball growing as she pulled her hands apart. The energy grew immensely as she glared at her enemies around her. Malakai sharply swung his hands in a swift circle, creating two green shields in front of him, one on each hand. He held one close to his chest and one towards the coven in front of him. It went silent for a moment, each person preparing their weapons.

Rory clenched her jaw roughly as she tried to push aside her nerves. Everything had been leading to this moment, this battle. They could avenge Aurora and Eira by defeating the coven. There were dozens of them, not the entire coven, but enough. They couldn't make a single mistake, and they had to be perfect.

"From this day... to our last," Rory whispered, her eyes flashing bright.

Malakai let out a battle cry as he dove into the coven, slashing his green shields at people. He hit some of the shields which locked onto his opponents and sent them soaring back into the nearest wall. Rory tore apart the ball in her hands and sent blasts out to her sides. The energy sent the coven flying to the floor. She threw her hands away from her body and sent energy to the people directly in front of her. Using her power, she blasted her energy beneath her and was sent flying up. She sucked in a quick breath before dodging a stray lightning bolt. Slashing a hand out, her energy sent people around her falling. She dove to the empty space in front of her, battling everyone around her.

Aidan swiftly moved his dragon made of fire around him. It roared as it circled her brother. He flicked his hand out occasionally, fire streaming from its mouth. He used the body of the dragon as a wall against attackers while he threw a fireball from the mouth of the dragon. Maximus punched and kicked his opponents; his incredible strength was never faltering. Rory had her doubts- she was worried that without power like the others' he would be at a disadvantage, but he seemed to be doing the best out of everyone. His punch had the strength of fifty people, and his enemies didn't stand a chance.

Channing leaped at the witches, his sharp teeth and claws destroying them. He grunted as one of the warlocks threw him down to the ground. But without missing a beat, he was back on his feet and pounced on him. He snarled in the warlock's face, saliva coating his face before he attacked. Iris and Birch worked together as they battled. Birch used his vines to raise people and slam them on the ground. He raised a certain witch who soon broke free of the shackles and began to leap towards Birch mid-air. Suddenly, she was caught by a blue and green mist. Iris had a calm expression as she threw her hands out, and the woman was slammed against the wall. She swirled her hand out in front of her and caught three of the coven members in a tornado spiral before she flicked her wrist and sent them flying away. Iris swung her hands out and pushed down towards the ground. Her mist sent her up flying high above the coven before she dove headfirst into the crowd, her mist exploding everyone out.

Eliphas let out a roar of laughter as he sent spell after spell at his old coven. He relished in the sound of them falling to the ground. Leaping up into the air, he crossed his arms before ripping them outwards. A yellow shockwave was sent pummeling towards the coven. It rippled through the crowd with a strong force. Valery fluttered her hands around, and her bright red streamed all around her. She hit people with her powers, knocking them down around her. She felt a pang in her heart as she fought the people she once considered her people. She sent the red streams into someone's chest before turning around and doing the same to the people behind her.

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