Quod Perierat

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"The energy is part of you. Imagine it flowing through you. All you have to do is find your own way to control that energy. You can redirect it to your hands or feet to make your hits more powerful," Eliphas explained as they walked through the woods. Rory could, quite literally, feel the power running through her body. It felt like a rushing, tingling sensation taking over her veins. If she focused hard enough, she could push that power into a certain direction.

A part of Rory loathed that he was able to help her so much. It was clear no one trusted the warlock and it was suspicious that he knew so much about her powers- and that he was so willing to help her. He had been going on for a while about all she can do and how to do it. She was picking up her powers relatively quickly. He explained that because she and Aurora shared such a strong connection and were technically the same person, her abilities to control her powers likely were transferred to Rory.

"So... if I focused really hard and punched you, would you just explode? And do you think it would just look like an... explosion of hair gel?" she asked with a sweet smile. He surprised her by letting out a small laugh.

"I'd like to see you try. I've been around for a lot longer than you think," Eliphas informed her and it made Rory wonder how old he really was. She assumed by his appearance that he was about ten years older than her, but with all the secrets he was clearly hiding, it could be more.

"But you don't deny it would look like hair gel?" she repeats, raising an eyebrow. He ran a hand through his slick, shoulder-length hair as if to check.

"No, I don't deny that." He nodded once at her with a grin that for once didn't make her compare him to a Cheshire cat. He then went onto explain what else she was capable of and how she could do it. A part of her almost wondered if he wasn't as bad as she originally made him out. However, she was still suspicious by the fact that he refused to tell her how he knew all of this. Nonetheless, she listened intently and chimed in with only a few more sarcastic comments, not wanting to mess up and ruin the plan to get Aurora back.

 Nonetheless, she listened intently and chimed in with only a few more sarcastic comments, not wanting to mess up and ruin the plan to get Aurora back

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The seven made their way along the path, hoping to reach the coven by nightfall. They had been discussing numerous plans of attack, but they couldn't seem to agree on any single one. Malakai and Rory were now arguing over the best course of action, their ideas being completely different. Malakai believed they should make themselves known to the coven, storm in and demand Aurora back. Rory was the opposite, thinking the better option was to go in quietly, sneak Aurora out and live to see another day.

"How many times have you done something like this? Your plan won't work-"

"How many times have you done this?" Rory shot back to him in bewilderment, shaking her head at him. "Is it often that you break into covens to get your friend back? I mean, you must have in the past. That's why you're acting like an expert, right?"

"I have had enough of you-" Malakai began to shout before he was interrupted.

"Bloody Maloid! I have had enough of your bickering! Rory, come up here with me. Malakai, keep sulking in the back," Eira snapped in anger. The girl immediately obeyed, not wanting to irritate her anymore.

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