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Freyr watched the welder with his hands behind his back. The warlock stood on the other side of the table across from the welder. He waved his hands and muttered the spells he was given. Freyr had spent years of research on getting this right. The welder and warlock had been at this for days. It would be the most intricate thing any of them have made. He gave them many guidelines to abide by and the exact spells on how to do it.

He was grateful that the realms adored him. They were happy to give him access to any library, any book, any ancient scroll he wanted. He could tell his time was slipping away. If they didn't do this soon, it might be too late.

"Freyr?" He turned around and gave her a small smile.

"It's almost done, darling," he assured her, gesturing to the table in front of him.

She bounced on her heels, looking distressed. "Are you certain this is necessary?"

"Sakara, you know this is the only way to protect you," Freyr reminded her, "you know that this is the only way."

"I'm not helpless, I don't need this," Sakara pleaded, wrapping her arms around herself. When he didn't answer, she pulled her lips in anxiously. "We can figure out another way!"

Freyr slammed his hand on the table, causing the welder to give him a warning look as the warlock rolled his eyes. Freyr ignored them, turning to his lover. "There is no other way! You know this must be done. If it's not done soon then it'll be too late and you'll be alone and... and you'll get hurt."

"If this falls into the wrong hands..." Sakara trailed off.

"It won't, as soon as they're finished making it, we'll use it."

"What? So soon? There's no need!" Sakara exclaimed pleadingly. "I don't even fully understand what this knife will do."

"Sakara! This knife will ensure that you won't be defenseless. The plan is perfect. We stab the knife into me and then into you. It'll transfer my powers to you and then you'll be able to defend yourself when I'm gone. It's a one time use so they can't take the power from you after," Freyr said as he walked up to her. He gently cupped her face in his hands, gently wiping the tear from her cheek. "Oh, my love. You'll be okay and that's all I care about."

"But I care about you and... and I can't let you go," Sakara sobbed out, placing her hands over his affectionately.

Freyr sighed out, bringing his lips down to her forehead. He lingered for a few moments before pulling away. "We don't have a choice. The coven is persisting and they aren't taking no for an answer. They said it's my duty. Hopefully, all I'll have to do is a few missions with them. I'll help counsel them and make decisions. It'll bring peace to the realms if I can get the covens and the rest of Thera to cooperate."

"You know they won't let you go if you work for them. What if we go to those people creating some form of government? There's four of them, and they don't exactly seem to be the most intelligent, but perhaps they could help," Sakara suggested enthusiastically.

"Darling, you know how I feel about the government interfering with my business," Freyr said with a dry chuckle, "I'm not too keen on my destiny resting in their less than capable hands."

"It's not right," she repeated feebly.

Freyr gave her a sad smile. "No, it's not. But at least I'll be at peace because I'll know that you'll be able to protect yourself."

"It's done." The two turn their heads to the welder who held the knife in her hand. It was still glowing from the effects of the spell, the intricate designs glowing different colors.

Freyr marched up to her and thanked her with a firm nod. He held the knife in his hands, locking eyes with Sakara who had tears streaming down her face. He readjusted the knife in his hands, turning it to face the dagger at his stomach. He let out a shaky breath, gulping thickly.

"I love you, Sakara," Freyr whispered.

"I love you," she said, her voice cracking.

Freyr kept his eyes on her, taking in every detail. Right before he could stab himself, a spell was said and Freyr went rigid.

"Unfortunately, you won't be using that," the warlock interrupted. Sakara turned and stared in bewilderment. Freyr had said he trusted this welder and warlock, they hadn't expected a betrayal. "If you give her your power, you won't be able to do what needs to be done. The coven still needs you."

"I will destroy you," Freyr was able to grunt out, fury filling his eyes.

"Not today, you won't." The warlock waved his hand and Sakara immediately fell to the ground, unconscious.

"Just let me protect her! I'll do whatever the coven wants, just let me protect her," he pleaded, trying to break the spell, desperate to reach her unmoving body.

The warlock took the knife from his frozen body. "My deepest apologies, Freyr. But no, that will not be possible."

"What will happen to the knife? You know it can't be destroyed."

"Well, it could come in handy one day," the warlock said with a shrug, hearing the coven just outside the room, ready to take Freyr away, "I'll make sure it's well-hidden, no one will be finding it for quite some time."

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