The Snow and The Wolf

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The twins had explained everything to Eira and Channing when they arrived. Rory stayed in her room, not wanting to go through the story again. She grinned as Aliya glided through the air, weaving in and out of the stars. Each time she hit one of the stars, she had a gold glow shimmer through her body. Rory could hear the furious shouting of who she assumed to be her friends. Letting out an exhausted breath, she allowed herself to close her eyes to relax. She felt something soft hit her face, and she reluctantly opened her eyes. The tail hit her face again. Turning to the culprit, Aliya stared at her with her mouth open as if smiling. Letting out a chuckle, she pet the vixen.

"Where is she?" a female voice demanded, footsteps growing louder as they approached her room. Her door burst open, two people she presumed to be Eira and Channing walked into her room. Eira was even more beautiful in person than how they described. Her tan skin was illuminated by the crisp white designs on her body. The lines started on the side of her face, twisting and turning towards the inner part of her face. The white lines went down her neck, creeping into other parts of her body. They decorated her arms beautifully as they glowed and dimmed consistently. Channing was beautiful as well, even with the worried expression painting his face. He had three, jagged white lines that stretched across his face diagonally which was a contrast to his dark skin. Trace hints of a charming smile tugging at his lips. "Aurora, do you really not remember us?"

Rory exhaled sadly, shaking her head. "I'm so sorry, I'm not from here."

"Freyr, help me, you sound like my sister now!" Eira exclaimed in a frustrated tone, her words causing Rory to perk up. However, before she could question it, they moved on. She also noticed a new word, assuming it was another slang word. She wondered if the name took the place of God. "How do we fix her?"

"We can try to find a coven of witches willing to help her-" Aidan began before he was interrupted by Eira's scoff.

"Name one coven who would want to help. Witches are pretentious, and they hate us because we don't need a coven to be powerful! I mean, we do have a few witches and warlocks in each coven who are loyal to us- that we know. But if this is as powerful as you say, then it will not take a couple of measly witches to fix this!" Eira ranted passionately, her feelings come alive when the wind in the room picked up, suddenly becoming colder. Rory watched in amazement as icy winds begin to fill the room.

"Eira, please," Channing pleaded tiredly as he squeezed the bridge of his nose. The winds died down slightly as Eira rolled her eyes at him. "We all know the covens hate us, but we need to think of who can help."

"No, we need to figure out what to do about tonight first," Maximus ordered firmly, reminding the others of their plan. "And let's not forget the Pacem Ball, her coronation was meant to be just weeks away!"

"Malakai," Eira remembered with an exasperated groan, a sour expression across her features. Rory frowned in confusion at the names of the two events. "All Aurora has to do is stand there and draw him in, then we-" She paused as the boys gave her a stern look which confused Rory, "then we put him in the dungeons."

Aliya growled slightly at her words, bending down as she eyed the others. Rory frowned as she recalled that foxes were often known as being tricksters- was she sensing they're lying? Rory wondered, she could tell they didn't want to tell her the whole truth. However, this was not her life to worry about- it was Aurora's. All Rory had to worry about at the moment was getting back to her world.

"Who is this?" Channing quipped as he pointed a finger to the fox on her lap, a grin tugging at his lips.

"Aliya, as soon as I went outside, she found me and has not left my side," Rory explained fondly as she stroked her hand on the vibrant red fur to calm her down. The animal let out a soft purr as she eyed the wolf in front of her. Eira began to sputter out absurdities, gesturing wildly to the pair.

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