Casualties of War

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"It is the dawn of a new day in Thera," Rory projected her voice, making it carry among the mass amount of people in the crowd. It had only been a few days since the Pacem Ball, and people had been asking them several questions- and rightfully so. They had a right to know what was happening in their own home.

Her brothers organized a press conference, for lack of better terms. They were standing in the ruins of the ballroom with hundreds of people from Thera, but mainly people in Fantamia. That didn't surprise any of them, seeing as the Lucina's were the royals of Fantamia. The leaders of the other realms were likely in the crowd as well. They wanted answers just as much as anyone. Rory was sure that their people had been pestering them as well.

"My name is Rory Lucina. I am not from here, I was pulled from my world and into this one," Rory began, causing some confused glances among the unique looking crowd. "The coven took your future queen, the original version Aurora Lucina. We fought to help Aurora, but it wasn't enough. The coven killed her."

Rory took a moment to compose herself, swallowing thickly at the reminder of their loss. "I understand I am not the queen you chose, so it is up to you. I would be honored to rule as your queen, to be just, fair, kind, but also ruthless in my ambition and my love for Thera. I understand if you would rather one of my brothers take the throne, they are more than capable of bringing extraordinary things to us all."

She nodded at her brothers, who gave her encouraging grins. Rory had discussed it with her brothers, and they felt as if the line of succession for the throne should not change. Their sister should be the one on the throne with their counsel. She was hesitant at first, but she knew that with their help, she might be able to do this.

"Or perhaps... you feel as if our family is no longer capable of ruling Fantamia. Even though I would disagree with that statement, you are entitled to your own wishes for the land in which you reside. With that said, I would be honored to rule. It is time for the dawn of a new era in Fantamia, in the rest of Thera as well. I want to unite the realms, we are not separate sanctions, we are one," she waited a few moments for the murmurs in the crowd to die down. She knew what she proposed went against everything Thera had been for hundreds of years. However, she also knew the realms needed to fight together in their war against Metus and the coven.

"We have to band together. Other evils are lurking in the shadows. This fight will not be our last. There's evil everywhere, and we know that now. Before you make your decision, I want you to know one thing. Aurora did not die in vain. We avenged her death, and we crushed our enemies- we are prepared to do the same again, whether we are on the throne or not. No matter what happens from here on out, know one thing will not change. The Lucina family stands strong, from this day until our last," Rory finished powerfully, her voice steady as it echoed in the ruins of the room.

The room fell silent for a few moments, making her nervous.

"From this day until our last!" someone in the crowd shouted, making her perk up with hope.

"From this day... until our last," another person shouted on the other side of the room.

One by one, each person joined in, chanting their mantra in a loud tone. Their mantra filled the broken room. Rory felt touched by the show of support, only a few people not chanting along. She let herself smile at them all, taking in each of their faces as they chanted their mantra. Her brothers watched her proudly from the side, gently repeating the words as well. Aidan gave her an enthusiastic thumbs-up, and she nodded in thanks to them.

 Aidan gave her an enthusiastic thumbs-up, and she nodded in thanks to them

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