𝘛𝘢𝘭𝘦𝘴 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘞𝘢𝘳𝘭𝘰𝘤𝘬

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He paced the room, wringing his hands anxiously. He was able to hide away in his own room at the moment. He told the coven he needed time to think despite his path being set in stone. He knew this would change the course of Thera forevermore. This would change everything.

He was torn, this could bring great things to the coven. But the rest of the world would likely be doomed. It would give a few people great power, but he knew that this would likely come back to haunt him. The coven had voted on this, debating it for months. Finally, after plenty of deliberation, they decided that this was the best course of action.

It would not only unite the coven and the rest of Thera, but they would be able to defend themselves if anyone from another world tried to attack. This would bring incredible power to Thera. It might bring an era of peace and prosperity to the realms. But at what cost?

He went over to his table and pushed aside parchment. He eventually found the first set of spells for this. He muttered them quickly to himself, trying to memorize exactly what he was meant to do. He wasn't sure if he was strong enough for this. He knew he would have help from other members of the coven, but this would take immense strength that he wasn't sure he had.

He practiced the hand movements he would have to do while saying the spells. He reached his hands to the herbs separated into several bowls, preparing them just as he would need to perform the ritual. He picked up the willow-pansy, crushing it in his hand and fumbling with it a bit before bringing it up to his mouth.

As he finished eating it, he felt a small surge of power that he hoped would help. He groaned and placed both hands on the table, his hair hanging down, tickling his face. He picked up the silver cuffs on the table, placing them on both wrists. A glimmer went through them as they locked onto his body. He felt another flash of strength, nodding slightly to himself.

"It's time." He turned around and saw a woman. He recognized her as one of the witches who voted for this.

"Will it hurt him?" he asked nervously, knowing the answer.

"It won't exactly be pleasant, but it's necessary," the witch responded indifferently and he wondered how true that really was.

The two walked through the hallway. He felt like he was walking to his death sentence. He couldn't stop thinking about the repercussions this would have. He didn't want to cause anyone pain and he was very aware of how horrible an experience this would be.

The entire coven showed up. Everyone was standing in a crowd, circling around something. They all had objects of power to give the people doing the ritual extra strength. He was grateful, he could use all the power they were willing to give. The coven parted as they approached, each person bowing their heads slightly as they passed.

They reached the center of the circle and he felt a sense of dread come over him. He looked at the man on the table, arms and legs restrained with moonglass around him to block his powers. "You said to divide his power into four pieces? Then use the final spell you gave me to create..." he trailed off, checking the parchment again, "to create oracles?"

The woman nodded.

Eliphas huffed out, closing his eyes. "Well, then let's get started. This will take some time."

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