The Astral Plane

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"I'm here!" his sing-songy voice filled the large house, smugness dripping off every word. Rory immediately groaned, hands rubbing her face in displeasure. Eliphas continued to shout as Aliya growled, leaning down low as if ready to attack him.

"Is he always like this?" Rory asked, quipping an eyebrow at the girl next to her.

Eira sighed, a soft chuckle escaping her lips. "You have no idea."

"Hello? This is not the welcome I expected!" Eliphas exclaimed in frustration. Rory made her way out of her room with Eira and over to the staircase, coming into sight. Turning around, he grinned at her like a Cheshire cat. "Ah! There she is, the damsel herself."

"I cannot stand you," she told him simply before she began to walk down the stairs towards him. "I'm doing this for Aurora."

"As am I, do not think for a second this is for you."

"Eliphas, no need to act all noble. We are all perfectly aware you are doing this for something in return," Maximus corrected him, walking into the room with Aidan and Channing tailing him. "Before we do this, just tell us. What is it you wish for?"

"You mean besides the throne?" Eliphas perked up coyly, tilting his head as if to think. "Oh wait, I needn't ask for that- all I would have to do is kill the royal family." Channing nearly growled at the warlock in front of them, beginning to prowl forward.

Maximus subtly moved his arm in front of the wolf- shaking his head to stop him. Turning his attention back to Eliphas, who was watching with an amused expression, he let out a scoff. "I would like to see you try."

"Can we please focus?" Eira spoke up in annoyance, making them revert their attention. She gestured to Rory, reminding them of why they were there, to begin with. "We didn't call you here to hear empty threats."

Clapping his hands one, Eliphas whipped his head sharply to Rory with his arms held out wide. His long, jet black hair swinging slightly as he moved. "Right, come here."

"Only take what you need for Aurora- no poking around, got it?" Aidan ordered him sternly. Crossing his arms, he kept a cold glare locked onto Eliphas as Rory walked over towards him. He twirled his hand out to her, a sly expression across his features. He wiggled his fingers slightly, silently telling her that he wanted her to place her hands in his.

"I will blast you to the next century if I find you in places of my mind you shouldn't be," Rory warned him before hesitantly placing her hand in his.

The warlock said nothing as he gripped her hand tightly and closed his eyes. His hands were cold, sending a shiver down her spine. His smooth hands encased her, feeling much like metal. Surges of magic flowed through her, represented by different colors sparkling across both of their wrists. She watched in fascination as their hands glowed before Rory felt as if she was thrown back, feeling as if her consciousness was collapsing in on itself. The air was knocked out of her lungs at the sharpness of the fall.

She fell and fell into a pit of darkness, glimmers of colors flying past her. Waving her hands around, she frantically tried to grasp onto anything. Hearing a crashing sound next to her, her eyes widened as a wave of bright colors came barreling towards her. Rory curled her body up in the air, quick to prepare for the blow.

She suddenly felt very light- as if she was floating. Glancing down, she saw the colors going straight through her body. Holding her hand up, she gaped at how the colors passed through her body with ease. They felt much like how she had imagined a cloud, the cold air seeping into her skin as it simultaneously pooled out of her. The colors continued on, majestically swishing through the darkness. Snapping back into reality, she glanced around. "Eliphas?"

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