Making Her

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Caeler led Rory down a long hallway. Although she could feel his eyes piercing into her head, she kept her eyes trained forward. She refused to give the warlock the satisfaction of intimidating her. The recent conversation still burned fresh in her mind, the words echoing in her skull. She internally scoffed at the idea of being Caeler's trophy- she would never bow to him. She would let him think that she would eventually give in, but that was only so that he would train her. Rory knew she needed to get a handle on her powers if they stood a chance against the coven. Rory tried to push her mind, trying to force a vision about what might happen next. However, all she got was flashes that gave her no answers.

Rory rolling on a black mat, landing in a crouching position.

Tempest giving her a tilted smirk.

A blurry room with rows of shelves, something glowing on all of them.

Caeler screaming at someone.

Rory screaming.

Rory sobbing.

A flash of red coming towards her.

A black smoke surrounding her.

Two people dancing.


Rory bit back a gasp as she was yanked from her mind. Scowling, she wished she could have seen better details. All she saw was chaos, but she would have guessed that without a vision. She had been attempting to peak into other rooms that they passed, trying to see if Aurora was in any of them. Her worry had been rapidly increasing. She didn't know she had felt a connection with Aurora until she felt it slipping away. Rory kept trying to force a vision of Aurora into her mind, but she wouldn't be able to tell when it was from. It was hard to tell when her visions took place.

They eventually stopped in front of the door. Caeler turned to her dramatically before shoving it open. He grinned at her and held his arms out in front of him, presenting the room. She rolled her eyes at his theatrics before walking through the doors. She found herself in what could best be described as a gym. She saw people sparring, at first just with their bodies, fists flying and feet swinging. Rory squinted her eyes and recognized Tempest in the fighting ring. She dodged back under her opponent's leg so elegantly that it nearly looked cinematic. Flinging back upward, she struck her opponent with a lightning bolt. The person let out a grunt of pain as they fell to the ground. She flicked her golden hair back, glaring at the person on the floor. She lifted her head and found Rory, a powerful glint in her eyes.

"This way, little star." Caeler's voice brought her back to reality, pulling her away from the blonde warrior.

"The night I found out I could get energy from the stars, I thought I got the energy from the stars in the sky. Why can't I just do that again? Why does it have to be specific stars?" Rory asked him, remembering the night that they fought Malakai.

"You can absorb the energy from the stars in the sky, but as you likely experienced, that can make your powers volatile and dangerous. You'll have a harder time controlling your power, and that can destroy you. You have no idea what condition that star in the sky is in, it's too far away to see. Whereas, when you absorb the stars that are right in front of you, you can see that it is in perfect condition. That allows you to be at peak performance... and I want my weapons to be at their peak," Caeler told her and she had the urge to punch him for calling her 'his weapon'. She didn't belong to anyone. Instead of fighting him on it, she gave him a tilted glance with raised eyebrows. If she gave in too easily, then he would be suspicious, she had to act intrigued but also reluctant.

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