Trusting a Snake

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Rory was thrown carelessly to the ground of the cell. She landed with a grunt, still clutching her hand to her chest. Pain shot through her hand as it scraped against the ground, making her grimace. She immediately heard footsteps rush towards her. A part of her wanted to stay on the ground forever. She was so ashamed that she let him win and get the best of her. She hadn't even been able to see what he carved into her.

"Rory!" Malakai exclaimed, pulling her onto his lap as the others surrounded him. She hardly reacted, only sucking in a small gasp from the sudden movement. He pushed the sweaty hair from her face, smoothing it out. He noticed the wet crimson blood now on his arms, and he frowned, wondering where it came from

That was when he saw it.

"No..." Malakai whispered, shaking his head. He gently cradled her shaking hand. He immediately recognized what the scar was; he had studied the darker spells from the coven. He noticed the searing hot red lines that outline the cut, the slight smoke that sizzled from it. This was no typical scar.

"Do I even want to know what it is?" Rory questioned bitterly. Malakai flinched slightly at the tone of her voice, not saying anything. When he didn't answer, she grew frustrated. "For God's sake, Malakai."

She tore her arm back towards her. Her eyes sluggishly lowered down to her hand, and she grimaced at what she saw. Caeler carved the coven's symbol into her hand. The once flawless light-brown skin now held a cut that was jagged and angry- two snakes curling around each other, consuming the other's tale. Rory pulled her lips in as the others stared at the scar, not sure how she'd react. Clearing her throat, she ripped her eyes from the injury. "Will it heal?"

"No," Eliphas spoke up in a grim tone, surprising Rory with an expression of sympathy, "well, the cut itself will, but the scar will never fade. It's called 'The Lasting,' often referred to as 'The Curse of Permanence.'"

"Sounds lovely, can't imagine that it would ever be used maliciously," Rory said with a wince, "I mean, I do like snakes- could be worse."

"Could you refrain from using sarcasm for just a few minutes, please?" Malakai pleaded incredulously, not comprehending how she was able to joke around while in pain. She didn't say anything in response for a few moments.

"Is everyone all right? Is anyone hurt?" Rory checked, scanning the room for any signs of injury.

"You're sitting here with a bloody and scarred hand... and you're worried about us?" Eira questioned with wide eyes. She leaned forward and tenderly took her friend's hand. Her fingers moved slightly, thin ice laying itself over the cut. Rory let out a soft sigh of relief, the pain numbing slightly. "I wish I could clean it for you, but without the proper supplies, I can't."

"It's okay, I'll be fine. We have bigger things to worry about at the moment, we need to save Aurora. He gave me some information that could help us," Rory began, lifting herself away from Malakai, she had nearly forgotten that she was still in his arms. "I don't think this is all of his doing, and I think he's doing it for Metus."

Everyone in the room visibly winced, causing Rory to grow confused. "Okay, who is this Metus guy? Why is everyone so terrified of him?"

"Let's just say he has a bit of a reputation, not the best of people," Malakai said briefly.

Rory turned to him, eyeing him sharply, remembering what she recently found out about him. "That's a bit ironic coming from you."

"Rory-" Malakai tried to interrupt her, closing his eyes.

"Or is it hypocritical?" she muttered to herself before turning to the others. "What do you guys think? Is it ironic or hypocritical?"

"I think a bit of both," Aidan said with a shrug.

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