They Will Fall

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Members of the coven surrounded them. Rory counted quickly, seeing just over a dozen witches and warlocks. The nine of them immediately formed a circle, each in defensive positions. Aidan swiftly created a dragon made of fire, the blazing heat filling the air as it roars. Saffire must have taken some of the metal from the cell in the coven because she now had immense metal surrounding her like armor. Eira held ice shards around her, glaring coldly at the coven. Channing was still in his wolf form, growling viciously at the people around him. Maximus and Eliphas didn't prepare anything that she could see, but she assumed the warlock had his spells ready and that her brother was ready to pack some powerful punches. Rory lit up her hands, and from the corner of her eyes, she saw Malakai form his green shields on his hands. Valery was the last one to arm herself, staring sadly at Tempest before she elegantly moved her arms to create red streams around her.

"You're surrounded. Please, don't attempt to fight," a warlock said smoothly, causing Rory to scoff.

"All right, you guys heard the man! Time to stand down and calmly surrender!" she yelled sarcastically, making Malakai roll his eyes at her antics. "Yeah, my apologies... but it'll take a bit more than that to stop us."

"Caeler was right, she is annoying," a witch drawled in boredom.

Rory tilted her head, glancing around for the man just mentioned. When there was no sign of him, she pouted her lips mockingly. "Where is he, by the way? Has your esteemed leader slithered back into his hole like the cowardly snake he truly is?"

"Oh, she has a bit of fire, doesn't she?" the witch commented excitedly, grinning madly, clapping her hands together. "It always makes it more fun, and I do love seeing that spark leave their eyes just before I eliminate them."

"Now, now... they still have a chance to surrender," a man reminded her pointedly, causing her to frown. "This is your last chance."

"And this is yours," Eira snarled dangerously, "walk away, and we won't kill you."

"Kill us, and everyone at your precious ball dies."

"We let you live, and they still die, so might as well just cross off a few of you along the way," Eira shrugged carelessly before slicing ice towards the witch in front of her, knocking the girl down. She reached up to her armor and whipped both of her thin swords out, ice coating them. She swiped her swords together with a smirk, a loud slicing sound echoing in the air. "So, let the fun begin."

Magic exploded all around them.

Spells of all different colors surrounded them. The only thing stopping the spells were the green shield Malakai quickly set up. The hexes slammed angrily against the shield, wanting to attack. Malakai turned his head unsurely towards Rory. She hesitated, terrified by the scene around her. She swallowed thickly before giving him a small nod. The shield immediately fell.

Rory swept her hands out, and her star energy pummeled into Tempest. The blonde was sent to the ground with a grunt. She flicked her beautiful hair from her face with a snarl, dancing her fingers elegantly as she summoned a lightning bolt. Rory then wondered if she created lightning herself or if she drew it from the sky somewhere. Tempest spun the lightning around her, teasing her with sparks that tickled her arms. Rory recoiled when she felt the electricity, glaring coldly.

She killed Aurora.

Those three words haunt her mind as Rory leaped to the side away from the bolt of lightning that was thrown at her, her hair sprawling out wildly. She let out a shout as she transferred her star energy to her foot, catching her in the side. Tempest staggered momentarily but blasted lightning to the ground next to her to steady herself.

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